Bearded dragons, or “beardies,” are quiet, gentle reptiles that are easy to care for. These animals make great pets for children over five and require minimal care.[1] To buy a bearded dragon, you should start by selecting a healthy dragon that will fit your budget and your needs as a pet owner. You can then buy the pet from a licensed breeder, at a pet store, or at a reptile show.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Selecting the Bearded Dragon

  1. 1
    Go for a full grown dragon. Though younger bearded dragon babies are cute to look at, they are fragile and have a higher risk of illness. Some babies may also lose their appetite and must be force fed to stay alive. Getting a full-grown or close to full-grown dragon as a pet will ensure it remains healthy and easy to care for.[2]
    • Look for a dragon that is at least six to 10 weeks old and six to 10 inches in length. This will ensure the dragon is not too young and has hit a mature age. You can also ask the breeder you are buying from about the age of the bearded dragon before you buy her.
    • If you already have one bearded dragon and are looking for a second one, you should go for a dragon of the same sex. Two female dragons usually get along well. A male and a female dragon may end up fighting or mating, which could lead to unwanted dragon babies in your vivarium.[3]
    • You may want to avoid buying more than one bearded dragon at a time, as the two dragons may end up not getting along. You would then have the sell one dragon or set up a separate vivarium for each dragon.
  2. 2
    Check that the bearded dragon is alert and plump. Note if the dragon moves her eyes towards you when you approach its cage, appearing alert and awake. The dragon should not look lethargic or have eyes that are sunken in, as this may be a sign of dehydration or illness. You should also check that the dragon’s face is clean and not covered in pus or fluid.
    • You should notice if the dragon appears plump and large. Look at her limbs and tail. Make sure these areas appear full and fat, and that you cannot see her tail or hip bones. Lizards store fat in their tails and a healthy lizard should have a good fat supply.
  3. 3
    Make sure the dragon has no broken limbs or skin. You should check the dragon’s skin to ensure there are no lesions, wounds, or irritated bumps. Then, look at her limbs, tail, and toes to make sure the skin does not appear broken or swollen. Make sure the dragon has no broken bones, as broken bones can be a sign of metabolic bone disease.
    • You should also examine her limbs and toes to make sure they do not twitch or tremble, as these can also be a sign of metabolic bone disease.
    • You may observe the dragon running around in the enclosure to make sure she can use all of her limbs properly. The dragon should not limp or stumble when she moves. A missing toe or tip of the tail are okay as these often heal on their own, though they will not grow back. But broken bones and damaged legs or arms are not a good sign.
  4. 4
    Check the enclosure for cleanliness. You should inspect the enclosure the dragon is kept in and make sure it appears well kept, with fresh food and water. You should check that the dragon has been getting enough UVB light from a heat lamp in the enclosure and that the dragon has been given calcium supplements.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Buying the Bearded Dragon

  1. 1
    Buy a dragon from a breeder. Many lizard lovers buy their “beardies” from reputable reptile breeders. Buying a dragon from a breeder is often the safest option as many breeders only raise the same breed of bearded dragon, leading to less illness, injury, and disease. You can find bearded dragon breeders online and through your local herpetological society.[4]
    • Bearded dragons usually cost around $100 each, though this may vary by breeder. When you visit the breeder, you should check the cleanliness of the enclosures where the dragons are kept. Make sure you also do a good inspection of the dragon’s body and mannerisms to ensure he is going to be a healthy pet.
  2. 2
    Get the dragon from a pet store. You can also buy a dragon from your local pet store, though it may be more difficult to ensure the dragon is healthy. The best option is to buy a dragon from a breeder, but if you are not able to get in contact with a breeder, the pet store may be your only option. Try to find a pet store that keeps the same breed of bearded dragon in the same enclosure.[5]
    • You should also inspect the enclosure for cleanliness and examine the dragon well before you purchase him at the pet store.
  3. 3
    Look for bearded dragons at reptile shows. You can also buy bearded dragons from reptile shows or events, where collectors and breeders get together to sell reptiles. Make sure you check that the enclosure that holds the dragons is very clean and well kept.[6]
    • You should also chat with the breeder at the show to check that the dragons have been exposed to UVB light and been given the necessary supplements. A reputable breeder will only keep dragons of the same species together and may focus on breeding one particular breed of bearded dragon.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Bringing the Dragon Home

  1. 1
    Have the enclosure set up and ready. Before you bring your new pet home, you should have its enclosure ready and setup. You should have a vivarium that is at least 47 inches (120 cm) long x 23 inches (60 cm) high x 23 inches (60 cm) wide for one bearded dragon. You can hold more than one dragon in the same vivarium or enclosure, but it should be large enough for more than one dragon.[7]
    • The enclosure should be well-ventilated, with a screen top and glass sides. You should include reptile-safe substrate at the bottom of the enclosure. Include rocks and branches from your new pet to climb on, as well as hiding areas in the enclosure.
    • There is some controversy about what is safe substrate for a reptile enclosure. Reptile-safe sand may still cause a gut impaction. It's best to weigh up the pros and cons of different substrates to see which one best suits you. Choose from reptile-safe sand, aspen, or repti-carpet.
    • Make sure the vivarium has one end that is hotter, at 38 to 42 degrees Celsius (100 to 107 degrees Fahrenheit), with the help of a UVB lamp that is a 10 to 12 percent fluorescent UV tube. You should have another end of the vivarium that is cooler and shaded, at 22 to 26 degrees Celsius (72 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit).
    • The humidity should be low in the tank. Use a hygrometer to make sure the enclosure is not too humid — it should be between 30 and 40%.[8]
  2. 2
    Be prepared for the dragon to be nervous or timid. Your new bearded dragon may appear nervous or timid during the first few days in her new space. She may not eat properly for the first two to three days as she adapts to his new environment. After warming up to you and her new enclosure, she should start to eat normally and be less shy.
    • You should get in the habit of handling your dragon as a way to bond. Try to handle her on a consistent basis so she gets used to being held and touched. Always be gentle and use both hands to scoop up the dragon, supporting her four legs. Only handle the dragon for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, as you do not want her core temperature to drop too low.
  3. 3
    Put the dragon on a feeding schedule. Try to put your dragon on a feeding schedule right away so she gets used to set meal times. Bearded dragons are omnivorous, so they eat live invertebrates as well as plants and animals. You should feed your dragon once a day, preferably in the morning so she can digest his food during the day.[9]
    • Feed your dragon greens like watercress, rocket, chicory, cress and grated butternut squash, as well as wild plants like dandelion, clover and plantain leaves. Avoid giving your dragon spinach, as well as too much cabbage or kale. Remove any uneaten items in the cage and replace them with fresh food at feeding time.
    • Give your dragon live invertebrates dusted with a calcium supplement. This can include crickets, locusts, and calci worms. Make sure the live food is no bigger than your dragon’s mouth. You should feed the live food the same greens as you feed your dragon and keep them in a well-ventilated container.
    • You should provide fresh water in a shallow water dish on a daily basis. Make sure there is not feces in the water dish, and if there is, replace the water.
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About This Article

Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
Co-authored by:
This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. This article has been viewed 33,867 times.
40 votes - 82%
Co-authors: 14
Updated: October 17, 2021
Views: 33,867
Categories: Bearded Dragons
Article SummaryX

If you want to buy a bearded dragon, choose one that’s full-grown, at least 6 weeks old, as baby bearded dragons are fragile and are at high risk for illness. Check that your bearded dragon is alert and awake its limbs and tail are full and fat to show that it is healthy. Make sure the dragon has no broken limbs or broken skin, and observe it running around its enclosure to ensure that it isn’t limping or stumbling. Before you take your dragon home, make sure its enclosure is set up and ready. For tips from our Veterinary co-author on how to set up the perfect enclosure, keep reading!

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