Liverpool Football Club (LFC) is a professional football club based in England, and it competes in the Premier League as well as several national Cups. Tickets to both home and away matches are always in high demand, but there are several ways to increase your chances of securing tickets. You can buy tickets for specific matches through the LFC website when they go on sale, or purchase an LFC membership to get access to tickets before the general public does.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Purchasing a Membership

  1. 1
    Buy an Official Membership to increase your chances of getting tickets. Members get exclusive access to ticket sales for 2 weeks, usually about 4 weeks before the match. This means your chances of getting a ticket will greatly increase if you are a member, especially for very popular matches.[1]
    • Official Memberships cost £35.99 per season for UK citizens, £39.99 for Europeans, and £43.99 for anyone else.[2] You can purchase them online at
    • You will receive a welcome package and also receive discounts on things like Anfield tours, the LFC magazine, and LFC official stores.[3]
  2. 2
    Choose a Light Membership instead if you want to save money. A Light Membership is slightly less expensive than the Official Membership, and you will still have access to tickets 2 weeks before the public. However, you won’t receive a welcome package or discounts on any LFC merchandise.[4]
  3. 3
    Buy season tickets for guaranteed seats at home Premier League matches. These are usually the most popular matches, which makes them the hardest to get tickets for. If you become a season ticket holder, you will get a seat at each of these matches without having to worry about buying tickets before anyone else.[6]
    • Season tickets are usually somewhere between £685 and £869.[7]
    • There is often a wait list for buying season tickets, which may be closed when a certain amount of applications are received for a particular season.
    • For announcements about when the wait list is opened again the following season, and to apply online, check the Liverpool FC website at
  4. 4
    Enroll in the Auto Cup Ticket Scheme to guarantee tickets to home Cup matches. This is only available to members and season ticket holders. Once you enroll, tickets will automatically be reserved for you at home Cup matches.[8]
    • You will be charged for each ticket as you normally would, but there is no additional fee for enrolling in the scheme.[9]
    • To find out when enrollment opens for the season, and to enroll online, check the Liverpool FC website at
  5. 5
    Apply for disabled supporter tickets if you need special accommodations. If you want to ensure accessibility when you attend a Liverpool match, apply for a disabled supporter ticket. You will need to contact Liverpool FC to let them know what your needs are, and submit documentation verifying your condition by mail, email, or through their online contact form at
  6. 6
    Join an LFC supporters club to make buying tickets more convenient. While this isn’t technically a membership, it may save you the trouble of looking for tickets yourself, as clubs generally purchase tickets in large batches. Club members can submit requests for tickets to certain matches, and the club will buy tickets for the 3 most-requested matches as a group.[11]
    • You will still have to pay the price of your own ticket, but will not have to actually log in and try to purchase tickets.
    • Find contact information for the club closest to you at
    • Clubs may have different application processes, so it’s best to contact the club directly or consult their individual website for information on how to join.
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Buying Tickets Online

  1. 1
    Create an account on the LFC website. This is free and will enable you to buy tickets online when they go on sale. It’s a good idea to do it ahead of time so you can easily log in as soon as ticket sales begin.[12]
  2. 2
    Set up a Friends and Family account for anyone you will buy tickets for. This will also save you time when you go to buy tickets. If you plan on buying tickets for anyone else, they will have to set up an online account as well and link it to yours.[13]
    • Log in to your account and select “Friends and Family” from the menu bar. Enter the full name, post code, and member number of the person you want to add and click “Add Customer to my Friends and Family.”
    • The people you add to your Friends and Family will also have to add you to their Friends and Family before either of you can buy tickets for the other.
  3. 3
    Choose which match you want to attend. This may depend on when you will be in the area, or there might be a specific match you know you want to see. However, if you have some flexibility with timing, you may want to choose a match based on how likely you are to get tickets.
    • Cup matches are generally easier to get tickets for than Premier League matches.[14]
    • Premier League matches are divided into categories A, B, and C, with tickets for Category A matches being in the highest demand.[15]
    • Tickets to Premier League away matches almost always sell out to members, who have access to tickets before the general public.[16]
  4. 4
    Check to see when tickets go on sale. The date and details of ticket sales vary from one match to the next, so it’s always a good idea to double check. Information about tickets for each match will be published in the Liverpool Echo, a daily newspaper, and also on the LFC website at
    • Along with the date, make sure you know what time the tickets will go on sale (in your time zone), as they are likely to sell out fast.
    • Tickets usually become available for online purchase at 8:15am British Summer Time the day they go on sale.
  5. 5
    Use the website’s seat map to find the best seats available. Once you select a match, you can choose the area of the match stadium that you want to select a seat in. The seat map should show you which seats are available.[17]
    • You can also allow the website to choose seats for you.
    • If you select your own seats, make sure you click “Buy” before leaving the page.
    • Choose seats as quickly as possible, since there will most likely be several other people trying to buy tickets at the same time.[18]
  6. 6
    Purchase your tickets with a credit or debit card. Make sure you have selected the number of seats you want. You will be given the option to allocate seats to people in your Friends and Family list. You can then pay for your tickets using a debit or credit card.[19]
    • The website should give you an option to save your credit or debit card information when you pay, which will make payment easier next time.[20]
  7. Advertisement

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Co-authors: 5
Updated: June 29, 2021
Views: 40,503