It’s common knowledge that books are better than TV, and have the added benefit of making you more focused and informed. Even though you know that reading is good for you, however, you might struggle to be an enthusiastic reader who understands and recalls the book. This is not an innate talent-- just as you had to learn how to read, you have to learn how to read ‘’well’’. If you start by following your interests and overcome a few obstacles along the way, you will find yourself on a quick path to becoming an avid reader.

Part 1
Part 1 of 5:

Choosing Wisely

  1. 1
    Choose books that suit your current interests. You may think that you want to read the classics-- philosophy, the biographies of historical figures, and plays-- and if those are your interests, you should pursue them. There are plenty of other interesting books out there, though, and you can work your way up to more difficult material over time.
    • Some people like to begin by reading the novel versions of movies that they’ve enjoyed. From ‘’Fight Club’’ to ‘’The Hunger Games’’, you will find that many movies are actually based on books. [1]
    • One method of determining what kind of book you will like is to figure out what it is that drives you to frequent certain movies or TV shows. People who like biopics usually like biographies. If you like psychological thrillers, you might like murder mysteries or horror stories. If plot drives you, a lot of fiction is suitable for your tastes.
    • If you don’t like fictional stories, try non-fiction. You will learn about real things that happened, gain insights into science, history, other cultures, or what people are doing to try to solve problems in the world, and explore interesting ideas by great thinkers.
  2. 2
    Get book and author recommendations. Ask people whose taste you trust-- people who like the same music, TV or movies as you. Ask them about what their favorite books or authors are.
    • Asking people you know is a good way to start out-- they can often lend you the books that they enjoyed the most.
    • Talk to English teachers and parents for book recommendations. They can help you find stories you enjoy and may have more book knowledge than your friends.
    • If you like an author that a friend recommends, stick with them! It’s the best way to keep on reading.
    • Use online resources, such as Goodreads, to find book reviews and recommendations.
  3. 3
    Check out book award lists. Start with the best of the best! If they ended up on a list of great books for the year, a lot of people must have read and liked them so you can probably find something you like there too.
    • Some awards are based on what people are actually reading rather than what critics choose. This may be the best place to start since you know that the many people have enjoyed these books.[2]
    • Award lists that are selected by writers, critics, librarians, and booksellers can give you an idea of what is going on in the literary world.[3]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 5:

Finding a Time That Works

  1. 1
    Look for a quiet, comfortable space to settle in with a book. Don’t put yourself in a place where you will be self-conscious or experience interruptions.
    • Libraries are designed for finding great books and reading! You can grab a book and get started right away in the quiet of your local library branch.
    • Go to a park or somewhere outdoors. If you associate reading with oppressive indoor settings, going outdoors can be a great way to break up the monotony.[4]
    • Try walking on the treadmill with a book. Some people simply cannot sit still while reading. Some studies say that you can remember more later if you read while walking on the treadmill, and the jolt of dopamine you get from multitasking may encourage you to keep reading.[5]
  2. 2
    Add reading to your schedule. Many people think that they do not have time to read, but the truth is that they just have not found the time. Some easy tweaks may add an hour or so per day of extra time.
    • If you normally have down time before or after work (extra time waking up or winding down), you can make reading a part of that routine. If you spend time checking your email or playing games as a matter of routine, put your book by your laptop or on the couch to remind you to read instead.
    • Small adjustments make a difference. Getting up a little earlier can make time for reading in your breakfast routine. Getting to the gym earlier can make an extra half-hour for reading before bed.
  3. 3
    Read before going to sleep. Goal-oriented reading is less pleasurable than relaxed reading. You will feel happier after reading if it is done without any stress on finding information or reading a certain number of pages. [6]
    • Go to bed a half hour or hour earlier than usual, so that you have time to read before you get too tired. Reading under the light of a lamp is much healthier than looking at the blue light of a phone screen or e-reader. It's good to read in the morning as you can get an inspirational and fresh start to your day.
    • Be aware that the light from an e-reader device may disrupt your sleep. A real book might be a better option before bed.[7]
  4. 4
    Squeeze reading in between activities. This is not the most relaxed way of reading, but if you are an on-the-go type, it’s a good way to fit reading in without having to shift your schedule too much.
    • If you spend a long time commuting, bring a book instead of plugging into your phone.
    • If you usually eat lunch alone, you can take the time to enjoy a chapter or two while you eat. If you eat out for lunch, try packing your lunch instead. This will free up a surprising amount of time.
    • Reward yourself with reading after completing tasks for work or school.
  5. 5
    Get away from screens. Once you've chosen or found the time to read, keep media from cutting into your precious half hour. Every time you look at something new, you get a jolt of dopamine. Forcing yourself away from screens will allow you to pursue the long-term enjoyment and deeper understanding that books offer.
    • Turn your phone completely off. You might be shocked at how often you reach for it and check your lock screen to find it completely black.This serves as a good reminder to stay focused on your book.
    • Completely get away from your laptop or television. A click of the remote or trackpad will bring you back into the digital world, and you can get stuck there for an incredibly long time.
    • Use your local library. Libraries are built to be quiet, distraction-free places to read. Use them to their fullest! [8]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 5:

Overcoming Obstacles

  1. 1
    Skim before reading. You can skim while you read too! Reading avidly can sometimes mean that you find any way to make things easier for yourself.
    • Read the first few pages of the first chapter rather than reading the summary on the back of the book. This way you get a better understanding of the author’s writing style.
    • You may find yourself in the middle of a book you really enjoy, but has taken a dry turn. Read topic sentences and final paragraphs so that you get the general idea. Read quickly until you reach a part that holds your interest.
  2. 2
    Read in different formats. You might like the feel of having an actual book in your hands and turning real pages. If you don’t like carrying around and keeping track of too many things, you may like the convenience of using an e-reader device.
    • If you use productivity apps on a tablet, you will probably like the convenience of e-books. Downloading your books mean that you have many books in one place. If you already carry a tablet, you won’t have to carry a book as well.
    • If you prefer to go to the library and browse actual books, and enjoy the feeling of turning pages, you probably want to stick to real books.
  3. 3
    Keep multiple books around. Having books around, whether electronic or real, to browse and choose from will inspire you to read.
    • Use your library. Take advantage of the fact that you can check out multiple books and return them if nothing grabs you.
    • If there are books that you have that you’ve been meaning to read, leave them out! They will serve as a reminder, and you are more likely to pick them up if you are looking for something to do.
    • Purchase books for your tablet online or check out an eBook from your local library. [9]
  4. 4
    Move on if you’re having a hard time. You don’t want to waste time reading something that isn’t for you, and struggling through a book just to get it done might derail your efforts to become an avid reader altogether.
    • Gather a few possibilities and read the first chapter or two of each one, then choose the one that grabs you.[10]
    • If you feel stuck or bored, try something different! Just because you like biographies doesn’t mean you wouldn’t enjoy some light fiction with a little less substance. It might just provide the break you need to go back to the weightier stuff later.[11]
    • Use the fifty page rule. If you’ve started a book and don’t like it, you might still feel weird about stopping cold. Fifty pages is usually enough of the book to figure out whether or not it’s worth it for you to keep reading. If it seems like a chore, don’t do it. There are plenty of books out there for you to enjoy.
  5. 5
    Start a reading log. A reading log is a good way to look back on what you’ve read and to keep track of things that you want to read.[12]
    • A log can be a list on your phone, a Pinterest board, or a physical notebook. Just make sure that it’s something that you’re likely to keep around or remember.
    • Keep an ongoing list of what you’ve read: a simple list of titles and author’s names. If you particularly liked a book, mark it. Also keep a list of recommendations and things that you want to read.
    • If you’re the note-taking type, keep summaries and memorable quotes in the notebook as well. This will provide you with concrete examples of your progress and remind you of the knowledge and information that your reading has given you.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 5:

Joining a Reading Community

  1. 1
    Join a book club. Having regular meetings on your calendar and knowing that you’ll need to be able to talk intelligently with other people about a book is a great incentive to keep reading.
    • Depending on where you live, you may have many genres to choose from. Try sticking to your favorite genre first, just to make sure that you stay on track. You can branch out after you’ve gotten into the swing of things.
    • If you can’t find any near you, you can start your own. You can use Facebook or meetup to create groups easily.
  2. 2
    Participate in city or statewide reading initiative. The public library systems in many states or larger cities often choose one book and encourage as many people as possible to read it at the same time. They usually include programs like book talks and other events where you can join a discussion.[13]
    • If you do this with friends, it can be easier to stay on track, and you’ll have someone to talk to about the book.
  3. 3
    Sign up for an online book forum. You can look for a broader forum that discusses multiple kinds of books, or you can pursue a specific artist or genre.
    • On social media forums like Goodreads, you can see what your friends are reading, read book reviews, and keep track of your own reading so you can see your progress. [14] There is also an option to find books related to ones you’ve liked as well, which makes finding new books easy.
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Part 5
Part 5 of 5:

Understanding What You Read

  1. 1
    Keep a pen in your hand. If you can’t remember what you’ve read right after you finish it, you may get discouraged. Taking notes ensures that you can quickly remember what you’ve read, even after you’ve forgotten it.[15]
    • Take brief summary notes at the end of each chapter to ensure that you can look back and recall what you’ve read.
    • If taking notes interrupts your reading flow, mark key paragraphs with a check mark or star. Later, you can go back to these starred paragraphs and take notes on them for yourself.
  2. 2
    Read an entire paragraph before marking it up. Many people highlight the first sentence of a paragraph. Sometimes the first sentence is the right one to emphasize, but in other cases, only looking at the first sentence of a paragraph can leave out key information.
    • Don’t mark up any specific sentences or words right away. Be patient and wait until the final sentence before deciding. If the paragraph seems important right away, mark it with a star.
    • After a difficult or inspiring paragraph, pause for a moment. Explain to yourself what you have read, out loud or in your head. Then summarize that in the margin or on a separate piece of paper.
  3. 3
    Read out loud. Reading out loud is a great trick for people who are auditory learners. It also works any time that you may be having difficulty with the language of the book.
    • You may feel a little bit silly if you are alone, but don’t let it stop you. You’ll soon get into the rhythm and forget your circumstances.
    • If you are in public, try covering your ears and mouthing the words. This usually goes unnoticed, and is not really odd behavior for someone reading in a public place.
  4. 4
    Check for key phrases and information. It’s ok not to read the entire book, especially if it is non-fiction. By taking a moment before reading to locate key information, you can save yourself time.
    • Use the table of contents to locate what you’re looking for. If you’ve skimmed over a few paragraphs, check for summary words (in conclusion, in summary, furthermore) and pay particular attention to that paragraph.
    • Before you start reading, perform a quick check of a chapter. Take note of its title and any subheadings. Read the first and last paragraph, and check the topic sentences of the body paragraphs. Try to determine from these things the main idea of the chapter and the author’s intention. [16]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I read and learn information without getting distracted?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Go to a quiet place and sit down comfortably with the material. Proceed to read the material aloud to yourself and quiz yourself on it every so often. Leave your phone or any other device that could be distracting in a different room. Don't eat food as this could be distracting as well. Go to the bathroom before you study as the break could disrupt your rhythm.


  • Keep in mind your own reading abilities so as to avoid frustration. If a book is too difficult to understand and you don’t want to spend lots of time trying to figure it out, move on!

About This Article

Alexander Peterman, MA
Co-authored by:
Test Prep Tutor
This article was co-authored by Alexander Peterman, MA. Alexander Peterman is a Private Tutor in Florida. He received his MA in Education from the University of Florida in 2017. This article has been viewed 99,359 times.
15 votes - 89%
Co-authors: 30
Updated: April 7, 2022
Views: 99,359
Article SummaryX

To become an avid reader, start by choosing books that match your current interests or are in a genre you enjoy. Next, make time for reading, like waking up earlier to read at breakfast or getting into bed before you’re tired to read a chapter before you go to sleep. You can also get into the habit of carrying a book with you so you can read while commuting, eating lunch, or sitting outside. If you’re easily distracted, find a quiet and comfortable spot to read, like the library or a park bench. To learn how to keep a book journal, keep reading!

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