The decision to join the religious life as a nun, or sister, requires prayer, research and discerning if God is calling you to this extraordinary vocation. Nuns make up an incredibly respectable and admirable group of women. If you think this may be right for you, below are tips on how to answer this calling.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Understanding the Requirements for Becoming a Christian Nun

  1. 1
    Be single. We're already assuming you know you have to be Catholic and a woman, but you also have to be single. If you are married, an annulment recognized by the Catholic church must be obtained. Widows are viewed as single in the eyes of the church.[1]
    • When you become a nun, you will receive a ring to denote you as God's bride. Because of this, you may not have another relationship distracting you from God's call.
  2. 2
    Meet the age requirements. Back in the good ol' days, most nuns were straight out of high school or college. Now just about anything goes -- from 18 to your 40s. In certain circumstances, older women will be accepted -- it depends on the community you choose to enter.
    • In general, most religious communities encourage their members to have some type of college education. Having at least a BA is preferable, but not necessary. Life experience, including professional experience, is also a plus.[1]
  3. 3
    Let your children grow up. If you have children, they need to have left home. You must not have any dependents upon entering. Many nuns have children -- they're just fully grown.[1]
  4. 4
    Be in good financial and physical standing. That is to say, be debt-free and healthy. Most institutions prefer candidates that aren't overwhelmed by other issues and can fully devote themselves to God.
    • If you have debt, don't let it stop you. If you find a community you'd like to join, address the issue with your director. They may be able to help.[1]
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Fulfilling the Initial Discernment

  1. 1
    Talk to nuns. The more mentors you can get a hold of, the better. You'll gain a clearer understanding of what it's like to be a nun and the different communities and lifestyles you could soon be a part of. If you don't have access to a group, go to your parish and seek out information from your priest or those active in your church community.
    • There are three general types of religious communities to choose from:[2] contemplative communities and traditional and non-traditional apostolic communities.
      • Contemplative communities focus on prayer. Their lifestyles are more serene, meditative, and insular than their apostolic counterparts.
      • Traditional apostolic communities work in education and healthcare. Many nuns can be found teaching in area schools or helping at hospitals and other healthcare facilities.
      • Non-traditional communities also do service for others, but can be found working with the homeless, incarcerated, or those with HIV/AIDS.
  2. 2
    Do research on the Internet. The last place you thought would be on the edge of technology would be convents, but even they're stepping it up! Some even have songs to download and blogs to read!
    • Vision Vocation Network is a Chicago-based network that is leading the "virtual discernment" phenomenon. Their counterpart is Vision, the magazine.[3]
    • Vision Vocation Match helps those in discernment find communities that are right for them. Think of it as online dating, but for to-be-sisters and brothers looking for the right "home."[4]
    • Catholics on Call is also based out of Chicago and holds retreats and workshops to meet and network with other prospective candidates and seasoned experts on the sisterly scene.[5]
    • Out of New York City is the Sisters of Life. The vocation director will respond directly to your email if you're curious about what you see on their site. Hundreds do it each year.[6]
    • A Nun's Life is a blog that is aimed at women in the thinking stages of becoming a nun. It does a good job of spelling out the process, requirements, and details of, well, a nun's life.[7]
  3. 3
    Attend a religious weekend at a Mother House or local religious community. Once you've started networking in person and online, you'll start hearing about events you can attend. This by no means locks you in to anything -- you have no obligation to any organization at this juncture. Going to the retreats is simply a way to get your feet wet.
    • The Institute on Religious Life can help you find a congregation or order of sisters that may be what you are looking for -- they have information on the work, personal and community prayer and daily living schedule in for dozens of communities, in addition to information on events across the country. They even have an online assessment that helps a person know what congregation of sisters they may be best suited to visit![8]
  4. 4
    Contact a specific community. Once you've done your research on the communities you're considering joining, contact the ones you like. Each one is different (not only in purpose but in size, locale, etc.) and one will probably best fit you. However, feel welcome to contact more than one! It's all part of the discernment process.
    • If you know a nun within the community, talk to her. If you don't know any members specifically, contact the vocation director. Her information can be found on their website; if that's not an option, contact your diocese for information.
      • The Vision Network as discussed above is generally chock full of information when it comes to communities and their directors. Do a little digging if you're at a loss initially.
  5. 5
    Work with a vocation director. Or two or three. Once you've contacted the head of a community or two you're considering being a part of, you'll start participating in more activities. You still have no obligation -- you're still feeling it all out.
    • You'll probably explore the campus, take part in retreats, get to learn all about the hang outs, and help in community events. You'll meet the sisters and see if you vibe with the feel of their community.
  6. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Partaking in the Initiation Process

  1. 1
    Choose a community to dedicate yourself to. You already have the vocation director on your side -- all you have to do is express your serious interest and they'll take it away from there. You'll discuss logistics, concrete when, where, and hows, and meet the vocation board. It's all downhill from here!
    • The pre-candicacy process (where both parties are interested and you're working together) can take 1 to 3 years.[9] This is a serious time commitment and should be taken seriously. If you're unsure, bow out now.
  2. 2
    Start the candidacy process. This may be called the pre-novitiate or postulancy.[10] You will live on the campus, work with the other sisters, but still manage your own expenses (this is part of why you had to be in good financial standing initially).
    • To get the ball rolling, you write a letter of interest stating your desire to join their community. The candidacy process usually lasts 6 months to 2 years, though will end (and move on) when both parties see fit.
  3. 3
    Enter the novitiate. At this point you will be a member of the community, but still not be permanently committed. You are deemed a "Novice" at this juncture. Church law requires this to be a one-year period, though many communities take 2. Part of the reason for the time requirement is to make sure you're doing the right thing for you.
    • The second year is for generally reserved for education and working in the community. At the end of this phase, you are allowed to rejoin the lay community or proceed onto taking your vows.[11]
    • Some congregations of sisters ask a Novice to choose a Saint's name, upon taking your public vows, but not all. You may also keep your Baptismal name.
  4. 4
    Take your first vows. A Religious sister takes only temporary vows that are renewed each year until final profession; this can be done for 5 to 9 years (depending on the organization), though many don't use the maximum period of time.
    • This is the point where you may have your hair cut. If you weren't dedicated before, you sure are now! You'll receive a black veil, a new name, and a full-length scapular once you've pledged your obedience and fidelity to the Lord.
  5. 5
    Take your final vows. If you're ready to make your permanent vow to the church, it's time. A wonderfully elaborate process will be held where you receive a ring and other adornments to show the world your promise. Congratulations! Your life awaits.
    • There are a couple of exceptions to this rule. The Jesuits' first vows are their final vows and the Sisters of Charity only ever taken ever-renewable vows.[12]
  6. Advertisement
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Becoming a Buddhist Nun (Bhikkhuni)

  1. 1
    Meet the requirements. For a woman to become a bhikkhuni, she must meet several basic requirements. They are generally quite practical:
    • She must not be pregnant or nursing
    • If she has a child, she must arrange other care for her dependent
    • She must be of sound mind and body
    • She must be free of debt and other obligation
  2. 2
    Find a training location. They vary in size (from very small to quite large) and can be found in rural areas in addition to in cities. Once you've found one that's right for you, express your interest in training there. Each community has different regulations, but most will have you training for a few weeks.
  3. 3
    Enter the pre-postulancy stage. If you enjoyed your time at the monastery and they, in turn, took a liking to you, you may be asked to return upon the completion of your initial training. It is during this time that you will undertake the eight Buddhist precepts. These are the 5 of lay practitioners, plus three more (known as the upasika vows).
    • You do not have to shave your head at this juncture. You will, however, be wearing white or white and black clothing. This stage normally takes a few weeks to a few months.
    • The precepts (or Garudhammas) are the following:[13]
      • She must not harm any human or non-human life
      • She must not steal
      • She must abstain from all sexual activity
      • She must not tell lies or deceive
      • She must not drink alcohol or otherwise ingest intoxicants
      • She must only eat at the appropriate times
      • She must not sing, dance, or wear cosmetics or perfume
      • She must not indulge in sleep or spend her time in luxurious places
  4. 4
    Become a candidate or Anagarika. This literally means "homeless one," since you will have abandoned your home for the life of a nun. You are required to shave your head, wear white robes, and uphold the 8 precepts. This normally takes six months to several years, depending on your situation.
    • As of now, you are still technically a lay person. You are allowed to handle money and support yourself financially, though certain expenses will be shared with other women in the same position.
    • Practice meditation. The "Brahma Viharas" of Loving Kindness (Metta), Joy of Appreciation (Mudita), Compassion (Karuna) & Equanimity (Upekkhā) are very important meditations to develop.
  5. 5
    Graduate to becoming a samanera, or novice. This is where you fully enter the pabbajja, or monastic life. Different communities have different age requirements and traditions when it comes to this stage. Certain countries will place prospective members on a probationary period before the pabbajja commences.[14]
    • Now you must undertake the ten novice precepts, which includes not using money. You may also be prohibited from driving. You will also be given an elder member to become your personal teacher.
  6. 6
    Take the Bhikkuni vows. This is known as higher ordination. With the permission of your teacher (after an agreed-upon period of time), you may request to become a full-fledged Bhikkhuni. 20 people will (must) witness the ceremony you will be ordained with a whopping 311 precepts.
  7. 7
    Become a Theri or Elder. After 10 years or so, you will begin teaching and taking on your own proteges. Within that time, you may travel as much as you please, working with different mentors or staying all your life with your original teacher. After 20 years, you will be deemed a Mahatheri or Great Elder.
  8. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Should I keep on going to school if I want to be a nun?
    Sr. Johanna Laura Moseley
    Sr. Johanna Laura Moseley
    Community Answer
    It will be helpful for you to enter a religious community with your education already accomplished. You should also visit several different religious communities before you decide on the community you would like to try your vocation with, because it is not like choosing a job or a career. It is a way of life forever.
  • Question
    Is it possible to become a nun if I am in my 50s?
    Sr. Johanna Laura Moseley
    Sr. Johanna Laura Moseley
    Community Answer
    Yes, there are religious communities who accept older women. You might have to go quite a distance to find the right community for you, but there's one out there.
  • Question
    Can I quit my continued education to become a nun?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. You can quit your education or job at any time, unless you've signed some binding contract.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 46 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 476,046 times.
174 votes - 87%
Co-authors: 46
Updated: October 4, 2021
Views: 476,046
Article SummaryX

If you want to become a nun, start by talking to other nuns in your parish to find out more about the communities you could join. If you don't have any contact with nuns, visit your local church and inquire with the priest. Next, attend a religious weekend at a Mother House, which you can do by browsing the events listed at the Institute of Religious Life's website. When you're ready to choose a community, contact them and start participating in activities, work through the candidacy process, and enter the novitiate. To learn how to become a buddhist nun, read on!

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