Working as a doctor in the US Navy combines the satisfaction of helping people medically with the pride of serving the country. As a member of the Navy Medical Corps, you'll receive high-quality training and a good salary, making this an excellent career choice. If you are interested in becoming a doctor in the Navy, there are a number of things you have to do first to meet the qualifications.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Gathering Information

  1. 1
    Be willing to serve for a minimum of 2 years of active duty. You should know from the start that when you become a member of the Navy Medical Corps, you'll be required to serve at least 2 years on active duty. You should be willing to fulfill this requirement before thinking about applying for the job[1]
    • Active duty means that you will work full-time for the military. That means you can be deployed at any time.
    • Since the Navy operates hospitals all over the world, you may be reassigned as the Navy sees fit, sometimes in a different country.
  2. 2
    Understand the role of a Navy doctor. Once you become a member of the Navy Medical Corps, your work will be very similar to that of a civilian doctor: you'll meet with patients, diagnose conditions, provide treatment, and attend conferences and lectures. The only difference is that your patients will be active and retired members of the armed forces and their families.[2]
    • There are numerous advantages to being a Navy doctor. You may have medical school paid for, be able to practice without worrying about insurance or overhead costs, have a guaranteed pool of patients, vacation time, and plenty of opportunity for promotion and advancement.[3]
    • Cons include consistent moving and relocation while you're on active duty, being away from family and friends, and a more limited choice of specialties than the civilian sector.[4]
  3. 3
    Learn the other requirements. Besides the willingness to serve 2 years on active duty, applicants must meet several other criteria to qualify for a position in the Navy.[5]
    • The applicant must be a U. S. citizen currently practicing medicine in the US.
    • The applicant must be a graduate of a medical school accredited by the American Medical Association (AMA) or the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).
    • A recent graduate must obtain a medical license within a year of enlistment.
    • An applicant must be between the ages of 21 and 64. Candidates over 64 will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
    • A recruit must pass a physical and mental exam.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Getting the Necessary Training Before You Join

  1. 1
    Contact a Navy recruiter. Whether you're a college student just starting to think about a medical career, or a doctor that's been practicing for years, your first step to joining the Navy is contacting a recruiter. He can speak with you and let you know all your options for becoming part of the Navy Medical Corps.[6]
    • Click here to find the Navy recruiting office nearest to your location.
  2. 2
    Ask about financial assistance for medical school. If you're a college or high school student considering medical school, ask the recruiter what sort of financial assistance the Navy offers. You don't have to attend a military medical school to join the Navy. You can attend the medical school of your choice and can apply for financial assistance to complete your degree. Depending on what financial plan the Navy offer you, you may emerge debt-free from school. The Navy will expect you to serve a certain amount of time on active duty if you receive a financial package. There are numerous financial packages you may get, so the best thing to do is ask your recruiter which is best for you.[7]
    • One possible financial package is the Navy Health Professions Scholarship Program. It includes 100% tuition coverage for school, plus a monthly stipend for living expenses.
    • There is also the Navy Health Services Collegiate Program. This would provide from $157,000 to $269,000 for your education and living expenses.
  3. 3
    Apply to and attend medical school. After you've contacted a Navy recruiter and set up a plan, the Navy typically asks nothing else of you until you complete your education.[8] Your next steps are very much like any regular medical student. You have to apply to medical school, then graduate with your degree. After you do that, you can begin training for your career in the Navy.
    • Read Get Into Medical School and Survive Medical School for more detailed tips on finding the right medical school and successfully getting your degree.
  4. 4
    Consider a specialty you would like to study. The Navy offers over 30 sub-fields for its doctors to specialize in. When you start attending medical school, begin considering a field you would be interested in. Then tailor your experience, like internships and rotations, to this sub-field. That way you can ensure that you are qualified for the specialty you're interested in. Click here for a complete list of specialties the Navy offers for doctors.
    • Specialties include typical civilian areas like neurology, family medicine, dermatology, pediatrics, and sports medicine, and military-based specialties like fleet Marine Corps medicine.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Proceeding After You've Graduated Medical School

  1. 1
    Complete a residency. After graduating medical school, you have to complete a residency. Residencies typically last a year or more and give you hands on training in a particular specialty. You can do your residency with the Navy or in a civilian hospital.[9]
    • You may have more choice of specialties if you do your residency in the civilian setting. The Navy also has programs to give financial assistance to residents, so as always, contact your recruiter and see what your options are.
    • Residencies within the Navy are excellent as well, but space may be limited and you might have to wait for one to open up.[10]
  2. 2
    Contact a Navy recruiter if you're already a practicing doctor. There is still plenty of opportunity for someone who didn't know they wanted to join the Navy when they were a student. Sometimes the decision to join the military is one that comes later in life. Some doctors who have been practicing for years decide to apply their skills to a different setting and join the armed forces. If you've already graduated medical school and are practicing, contact a recruiter.[11]
    • Practicing physicians usually get a sign on bonus and a high salary, depending on their level of experience and specialty. Recent sign on bonuses can be as high as $220,000-$400,000 if the applicant is highly qualified.
    • Doctors who have worked in the civilian field often enjoy the military because they don't have to worry about insurance or other financial matters. They feel more free to provide the care they think their patients need.[12]
  3. 3
    Attend Officer Development School. Whether you begin your Navy career right after medical school, do a civilian residency first, or are already a licensed physician, you'll eventually have to attend Officer Development School. You'll learn about military discipline, etiquette, and development. It will involve both classroom work and physical training. At the end of the course, you'll be an officer and a doctor in the Navy.[13]
    • Officer Development School is a 5-week course that takes place in Newport, Rhode Island.
    • Classroom topics include Naval Leadership, Naval Administration, Naval Organization, Sea Power, Military Law, Military Indoctrination, Naval Warfare and Damage Control.
    • You must also pass a Physical Fitness Assessment. There is a 22% maximum body fat level for males and a 33% maximum for females. A test will include pullups, pushups, and a 1.5 miles run. It is recommended that you begin an exercise regimen before attending.
  4. 4
    Get your assignment. After passing Officer Development School, you'll be given your first assignment in the Navy. You'll be sent to one of the several hundred medical facilities the Navy operates around the world. Based on your expertise and education, you could serve in a hospital, clinic, air base, surface ship, and others. Be sure to follow all orders and report for your assignment promptly.[14]
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About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 11 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 145,279 times.
182 votes - 89%
Co-authors: 11
Updated: November 19, 2022
Views: 145,279
Article SummaryX

Working as a doctor in the US Navy is a great way to help people and serve your country with pride. In order to become a doctor in the Navy, you need to be willing to serve a minimum of 2 years of active duty. Contact a Navy recruiter and ask about financial assistance if you’re considering medical school. Once you’ve set up a plan with your recruiter, you can apply to and attend medical school to earn a degree like a regular medical student. After you graduate, you’ll need to complete a residency to finish your medical education in your field of specialty before you enlist in the Navy. You’ll then need to complete Officer Development School to learn the ins and outs of being in the military and to receive your assignment. For tips about how to choose a medical specialty to become a doctor in the Navy, keep reading!

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