Boxing promoters are responsible for organizing and marketing a boxing match. Becoming a boxing promoter is a complicated and often expensive journey that involves compliance with strict state laws. Promoters are responsible for every aspect of an event from acquiring the promoter's license and the event permit to making certain that all of the participants including the contestants and their managers have the appropriate licenses and are current on their annual fees.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Applying for a Promoters License

  1. 1
    Research local laws. Each state and country has different laws pertaining to legal responsibilities and requirements that come with being a boxing promoter. Find out what the laws are in your area by visiting the website of the appropriate boxing commission.
    • Most US states (and some cities) have their own commissions. The Association of Boxing Commissions provides a contact list of most of the boxing commissions in North America (and beyond).[1]
    • In states that don't have a commission dedicated to combat sports, you'll need to do your research on the state government's website to find pertinent laws.
    • Make sure to develop a complete understanding of laws in your area. Violating laws can leave you open to lawsuits and/or a revocation of your license.
  2. 2
    Apply for a promoters license. Complete the application, which includes information about your business affairs, experience in the area of boxing, and any personal associations with members of the boxing commission board, contestants, judges or other officials who may be involved in a boxing match.
    • While state boxing promoter license applications vary, many require that the promoter provide information about their business entity and complete names and contact information for the business itself and its board members or partners.[2]
    • Promoters may be asked about their business' financial history including recent bankruptcy filings and financial interest in any boxing contestants.
    • A promoter's license application may also request information about the promoter's involvement in any investigations regarding event promotions or if the promoter has any history of criminal convictions.
  3. 3
    Pay the fees. In most states you will need to pay a small fee when you submit your initial application. This fee is for processing the application itself, and is usually about $50.
    • If your application is granted, you may be required to pay a substantially larger fee for the license. In Nevada, this fee is $500.[3] In Minnesota, it's $700.
  4. 4
    Await approval. Wait for commission to approve your application. In most cases, you will be notified by mail as to their decisions.
    • In some states, such as Nevada, you are required to attend a hearing by the commission on the day your application is discussed to answer any questions they may have that are not covered on the application.[4]
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Getting Ready for Your First Match

  1. 1
    Find an adequate venue. Once you are licensed as boxing promoter, it's time to start preparing for your first event. One of the first things you'll need to do is find a place to host it. Local bars, clubs, and community centers are often ideal choices.
    • In choosing a venue consider it's capacity. You don't want to rent a place that's too small and will not be able to fit everyone who wants to attend your event. On the other hand, a smaller venue can create the illusion of a packed house with a smaller crowd.
    • You will need adequate space for a regulation sized boxing ring. The size depends on nature of the event (e.g. amateur v. professional, weight class, and so on). Amateur rings are typically 16 to 20 square feet, while professional ones are 18 to 24 square feet.[5]
    • Your venue will also need to include dressing rooms for participants and medics, and ideally for officials as well. It will also need to include an area that the boxers can use to warm up.
  2. 2
    Obtain equipment. In addition to the venue, there is standard equipment you'll need to obtain prior to the event. This includes:
    • The ring itself.
    • At least four sets of regulation competition gloves. Boxers are typically not allowed to provide their own gloves.
    • Protective headgear.
    • Tables and chairs for judges.
    • Stools and spit buckets for each corner.
    • A bell, a timer, and weigh scales.
  3. 3
    Find participants. The person who recruits participants for a match is called the "matchmaker." Some promoters do this themselves, while others opt to hire a professional matchmaker.[6]
    • If you opt to hire a matchmaker, you can visit the BoxRec website to find a database listing licensed professionals.[7]
    • If you are playing this role yourself, contact a boxing club such as Golden Gloves to learn about boxers in your area who would be a good match.
  4. 4
    Obtain necessary insurance and bonds. There are also legal requirements you'll need to satisfy prior to the event. Most states will require that you have both insurance for the event and one or more surety bonds.
    • An insurance policy will be required to cover your liability in case someone is seriously hurt or killed during the match. Depending on the state, it is not unusual for for the law to require policies covering $10,000 in both medical expenses and life insurance.
    • A surety bond is a bond you purchase to ensure that any payment you are required to make to the state (in the form of taxes) will be covered in the event that you default on your payment or violate state regulations. These bonds may be $10,000 or more, depending on the state.[8]
  5. 5
    Apply for an event permit. In addition to your own license, in many cases you also need a separate event permit for your match. The boxing commission in your state will have applications for these permits.
    • These permits will vary from state to state, but will typically require you to provide information about the date, time, and location of the event, details about the boxers (sometimes including weigh-ins and medical history), information about yourself and your business, details about your insurance, bonds, and safety equipment on the premises, and so on.
  6. 6
    Hire staff. A boxing event also requires you to have a range of staff on hand. You'll typically need to hire people to fill the following roles:
    • Ringside physician (the association of ringside physicians can help you get in contact with someone)[9]
    • DJ/MC/Announcer
    • Security
    • Referee
    • Judges
    • Note that is common for boxing commissions to require that judges and referees be certified or examined by the commission.
  7. 7
    Advertise your event. Let people know about your event and where they can buy tickets. There many ways to do this including:
    • Social media
    • Flyers and posters
    • Contacting local media for coverage or advertising
  8. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Hosting the Match

  1. 1
    Prepare the venue. The day of the event, go to the venue before the event and make sure everything is set up as it should be. Specifically:
    • Ensure that the ring has been constructed and complies with regulations. It may be inspected by boxing commission representatives.
    • Make sure all necessary equipment is where it should be.
    • Make sure seating is adequate for the number of tickets sold and doesn't exceed the legal capacity of the venue
    • Station ambulance crews in an area where they will be able to quickly access the ring if necessary, but won't be in the way
  2. 2
    Have a pre-fight meeting. In some states, members of the boxing commission will require the fighters and referee to meet with a representative of the department to go over the rules.
    • Make sure the fighters and referees know when to show up for this meeting.
  3. 3
    Start on time. Make sure your event starts on time. This is not just good promotional practice, in some places, it's the law.
    • In Minnesota, for example, any delay in start time must be approved by an Office of Combative Sports representative. Otherwise, the event is automatically in violation of regulations.
  4. 4
    Submit necessary records and receipts. After the match is over, provide the state boxing commission with records of ticket sales and profits following the event so that they (or you) can calculate the amount of tax you will need to pay for the event.
    • Pay taxes as necessary. Depending on the state you live in, it is typical for promoters to be required to pay a certain percentage of money from ticket sales in taxes. In some states, if profits exceed a specific amount, additional taxes may be levied.
  5. Advertisement


  • In states that do not require all members or partners in a business entity to apply for a promoter's license, the promoter with a license is considered to be solely responsible for the event.
  • Make sure your insurance is adequate and up to date. If someone is injured or killed at a boxing match you are promoting, you will be liable.

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26 votes - 92%
Co-authors: 11
Updated: November 10, 2022
Views: 86,995
Categories: Sports Leadership
Article SummaryX

To become a boxing promoter, start by researching local laws and applying for a promoters license. Next, find a venue that provides adequate space for a regulation-sized boxing ring and obtain the equipment you need for your events, like a bell, timer, weigh scales, tables, and chairs. Then, recruit participants, hire staff, and obtain the permits and insurance required to host each event. Finally, remember to submit the necessary records and receipts to the state boxing commission after each match! For tips on preparing your venue for an event, read on!

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