Looking for a way to have a clean reputation? Want to be appreciated? Wholesome, all American girls are the epitome of having great reputations. Now is the time to put your best face forward and show them how elegant and fun you really are! Read on...


Wear natural makeup.

  1. Wholesome girls wear minimal cosmetics. It is important to wear as little makeup as possible while still maintaining a feminine look. The best way to do this is the "no makeup" makeup look. Apply brown gel eyeliner to the upper lash line following your eyes' natural wing. Next, apply one coat of brown or soft black mascara. Swirl a bit of light pink powder blush on the apples of your cheeks. Using a translucent powder, brighten under your eyes by applying a small amount on your dark circles. Still using the same powder, highlight your cheekbones and the bridge of your nose to give a healthy glow. Finish with some lip balm or natural pink lipstick.

Be stylish.

  1. There are lots of fun outfits that suit a wholesome girl - all are elegant, cute and subtle. Think fun and functional, clothes you could run around town in and still look put together for school or a semi formal occasion. Jeans are the classic American fashion item - wear them with layered tops, a cute jacket, or your favorite sport team sweater. Don't go too saggy or skin tight. You want to look like a girl who is ready to have sensible fun.

Make wholesome choices.

  1. Be cautious about drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. Refrain from having sex. If you get really drunk you might say or do something embarrassing or harmful to yourself or others - not a desirable characteristic of a wholesome person. Same rule goes for drugs; do your research on the effects of drugs and see if the benefits are worth the risks. Avoid smoking. Wholesome girls smell clean and don't have black lungs or brown teeth, all of which are adverse effects of cigarettes.
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Hang out with people who are low drama and gossip free.

  1. If you want to make good friends, or date a guy that is worth your time, try to cultivate healthy relationships with real people who share your interests and goals. People, for example, that don't stop to inspect their butts one hundred times a day, or try to start fights with chicks in the hall. Stay away from the chronic Myspace drama queens too - what you do online will inevitably come back to haunt your real life. Try getting a Facebook and befriend some college kids. That will help you seem cool and more mature.


  • People might make fun of you for being a prude or whatever - but they don't understand that you are becoming a better person. Don't let other people get to you.
  • If you act in a snotty way, none of this will apply. Wholesome girls love life, and love the people around them, even if it means avoiding the rude or nasty ones. Don't have a condescending attitude. You can subtly go elsewhere or change the subject if a rude or catty person is trying to dominate.
  • If you are someone who can't have fun without partying, this may not be the way to go for you.

Things You'll Need

  • A small collection of basic health and beauty items: shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, and a little makeup. A hairbrush and blow dryer make getting ready for the day quick and easy.
  • Clean, modest clothes. Jeans, t-shirts, stylish shoes. You can carry a purse, as long as it isn't some crazy shiny patent leather beast of a bag.
  • iPod/mp3 player. You will want to explore and download music of all kinds.
  • Good studying skills.
  • A real vocabulary that does not include cuss words. If you can't get a sentence out without swearing, pick up a dictionary and find some new terminology.
  • A friendly, gentle spirit. The ability to treat others with respect and maturity.
  • A youth group, religious group, 4H club, sports team, or other interest group. It can be anything, really, just a hobby that you share with others to broaden your outlook on life.
  • A clean, healthy smile!
  • Drink lots of water - for clear skin. And get plenty of sleep so you can function without being a witch.
  • A sense of humor. After all, what fun is life without wholesome laughter to get through?

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 19 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 84,138 times.
231 votes - 51%
Co-authors: 19
Updated: June 14, 2022
Views: 84,138
Categories: Youth Culture