Dirty tricks are everywhere -- have you ever been "fooled" or even fooled yourself. Have you heard familiarity" breeds contempt, Hmm!: but then does a transparent life lead to contempt of the individual -- no, that's silly -- or is there a root of a problem there... Oh, do you know people who want someone else to do their work and to pamper them, while they seem worthless: well, they may be pretty transparent, so that trait alone is not a cure. But it is important not to just pretend and not to trick people; find out why and how to be transparent.


  1. 1
    Express your meaning and purposes in an unpretentious, clear, "transparent," manner so your motives "may be seen straight through" -- so that your ways are not posing, pretending, crooked, crazy or paranoid.
  2. 2
    Have freedom of information about what is being considered or what will be and then was decided,
    • what things, when, how, why and
    • why not about the "other" things.
  3. 3
    Be open, not just obvious, and not seeming self-centered, but be clear about revealing important things about yourself and your relationships, limitations and expectations, in work and play. Reveal, in a nice and acceptable way, what you want and don't want -- not hiding from yourself, or from others.
    • Transparent - 2 b: easily detected or seen through : obvious c: readily understood d: characterized by visibility or accessibility of information...[1]
  4. 4
    Plant the right seed for a good crop or family -- not weeds and thorns, and not pretending and posing.
    • Have what you "plant" into your life and the lives of friends, family and into other persons, as well as your own life: "good seed" are needed to produce good fruit.
  5. 5
    Get an education and plan your inputs, efforts and outcome and generally for helping your family and friends as much as possible, but be easy to see through, not cheating or tricking people.
  6. 6
    Make agreements above the table not under the table.
  7. 7
    Lead by example. Show them -- don't just tell them: it's what works in the long run!
    • Don't get all mad over mistakes or bumps in the road.
    • Think about having good attitudes.
    • Don't throw stones if you don't want a rock hitting your head in turn.
    • Help your family, friends and enemies to do better as much as possible;
  8. 8
    Learn and teach by example to be happy, have fun and joy filled days.
  9. 9
    Have an open door policy to learn and teach.
  10. 10
    Purposely teach, create math and science ability
    • Take math tutoring.
  11. 11
    Never say I have no talent! -- no talent??? -- it can all be nurtured: musical talents or any in others!
    • Take music reading lessons even if you have no ear for music.
    • Teach yourself, even...
  12. 12
    So -- at work, with friends, in the family -- be a communicator and a leader, or be walked around or over.
  13. Advertisement


  • Don't tuck your knowledge in a safe deposit box or bury it.
  • Explain that tricky people may say the opposite of the truth. Most "bad behaving" people look nice, but they're not really that nice and may even be a relative like a cousin, an uncle, an aunt and look exactly like any other good looking people who do wrong things, and the child is easily confused. The goal is not "just being perfect" -- a saint -- but being good while not hiding or keeping back truth that would not just be nonsense (kind of like advanced math to a child), or not damaging, belittling or hurtful to a child or anyone for that matter.
  • Don't 'bury your talent in excuses like "I never had any talent." Nonsense:
    • Even tone deaf (tin eared) people can have musical talent -- just don't play by ear.
    • Don't hide in a hole or in your mind.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 9 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 68,616 times.
2 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 9
Updated: October 14, 2022
Views: 68,616
Categories: Honesty