Moksha, meaning “liberation,” is one of the major goals (or purusharthas) of most practicing Hindus. The idea behind moksha is to achieve freedom from the cycle of life, death, and rebirth and the suffering that comes along with that cycle.[1] There's no one way to achieve moksha, so look for the spiritual path that feels right to you. No matter which path you choose, you'll need to focus on achieving self-control, letting go of your desires, and selflessly serving others.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Attaining the First 3 Purusharthas

  1. 1
    Attain kama by enjoying life's pleasures. Moksha is just one of the 4 major goals that most practicing Hindus hope to attain during their lifetime. Before you can reach moksha, you'll need to first work on mastering the other 3. The first, kama, translates roughly as “desire.” In order to achieve kama, make a mindful effort to enjoy the various pleasures that life has to offer.[2]
    • These pleasures can include enjoying good food, appreciating music or art, or having a fulfilling sex life.
    • You must enjoy these pleasures virtuously—your pleasure should not come at someone else's expense, and it's just as important to give kama as it is to receive it.
    • For example, you can give kama by performing music, creating art, or cooking delicious food for someone else.
  2. 2
    Work on reaching artha as you get older by building your wealth. Artha can be translated as “success” or “abundance,” which is usually defined in terms of achieving material wealth. As you move into adulthood and the prime of your life, you can achieve artha by building a fulfilling career and establishing a stable and successful household and family.[3]
    • Like kama, artha should not be self-serving. The goal is to grow the wealth and influence of your family, and to share the wealth you obtain with others.
    • It's also important to achieve your success and wealth through honest, ethical means.

    Did you know? People usually achieve artha during the grihastha (“householder”) stage of life. Before that is the brahmacharya (“student”) stage, and after come the vanaprashta (“giving up wordly life”) and sannyasa (“renunciation”) stages, during which you can start to pursue moksha.[4]

  3. 3
    Focus on behaving virtuously throughout your life to achieve dharma. Dharma is difficult to translate into English, but it is related to the concepts of correctness, order, and balance. To achieve dharma essentially means to live your life ethically and according to your specific purpose, which varies depending on factors like your age, social status, and individual personality.[5] The path to achieving dharma is varied and complex, but some ways that you can do it include:[6]
    • Practicing humble devotion to God (yagna)
    • Being charitable towards others (daan)
    • Maintaining physical, mental, and verbal discipline (tapas)
    • Meditating on what is right and wrong
    • Setting a good example for your family through regular spiritual practice at home
  4. 4
    Prepare to work towards moksha after attaining the other purusharthas. It can take a lifetime to achieve the other 3 purusharthas, so don't try to rush into attaining moksha. For many people, working towards moksha means renouncing your place in society after living a full life enriched by simple enjoyment, familial and material success, and spiritual devotion.[7]
    • In many Hindu traditions, people seek moksha by cutting ties with society and their personal life after their first grandchild is born.
    • Some people choose to bypass the other parts of the process by becoming a sannyasin (or someone who “puts away everything”) at a young age and living an ascetic lifestyle, detached from society and material things.[8]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Following the Main Tenets of Moksha

  1. 1
    Let go of your desires and your ego. One of the most important components of achieving moksha is letting go of the things that tie you to your life in the physical world.[9] This is part of the reason that most people renounce society and live a simple, ascetic lifestyle once they are ready to achieve moksha. Practice selfless acts of service, such as helping the sick or needy, to help you let go of your desires and attachments.
    • Doing any kind of task, from cooking a meal to meditating, can be considered an act of service as long as you do it with the intention of helping others without expecting any reward in return.
    • Of course, wishing to achieve moksha is a desire in itself, but many Hindus consider the desire for moksha to be necessary for letting go of all other desires.
  2. 2
    Work on overcoming ignorance through study and meditation. Ignorance is an obstacle to achieving moksha. In order to overcome it, spend time meditating on ignorance and enlightenment. Some people do this by meditating on a specific god (such as Krishna) or on a general divine or creative force.[10]
    • Another way to overcome ignorance is to practice jnana yoga, a type of yoga that focuses on the study, contemplation, and experience of spiritual knowledge.
  3. 3
    Focus on achieving self-control. Physical, mental, and emotional self-control are also key elements of achieving moksha.[11] There are a variety of ways to learn self-control, including meditation and yogic practices. Work towards being able to:
    • Remain calm and peaceful even when circumstances around you are chaotic and stressful.
    • Control your speech—i.e., always speak the truth and use your words to help others rather than harm them.
    • Refrain from any sort of violence.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Choosing Your Path to Moksha

  1. 1
    Try working with a guru if you need guidance. In many Hindu traditions, working with a guru, or spiritual teacher, is considered a vital part of achieving moksha.[12] Look for a guru who can guide you in your spiritual practice and help you let go of your ego, desires, and attachments.
    • Finding a guru can be difficult. Many practitioners of Hinduism believe that you will not find a guru by actively seeking one. Instead, you have to be patient and have faith that a guru will come to you when you are ready.[13]
    • Until you find a guru, learn what you can from your experiences, your own study, and the people around you.
  2. 2
    Choose a yoga path that fits your personality. Practicing yoga is a popular path toward attaining moksha. Traditional yoga not only focuses on physical exercise, but also on meditation, spiritual study, and acts of service to others. To achieve moksha through yoga, consider taking up one of the following yoga practices:
    • Bhakti yoga: this form of yoga focuses on prayer, ritual worship, and the glorification of God.
    • Jnana yoga focuses on study, meditation, and spiritual enlightenment.
    • Raja yoga is a classical form of yoga that focuses on physical control, concentration, meditation, and the study of morals and ethics.
    • Karma yoga is centered around acts of selflessness and service to others.
  3. 3
    Practice tapas if you prefer to work towards moksha alone. Tapas is the practice of self-discipline, and it is regarded in some traditions as the key to attaining moksha.[14] In order to practice tapas, you must spend time alone, living a simple life and focusing on staying calm and detached from the world around you.
    • Doing tapas can involve meditating, studying and reciting spiritual texts, or self-disciplinary practices such as fasting, remaining isolated for a certain period of time, or taking a vow of silence.[15]
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Will marriage stop a person from attaining moksha, or should a person remain unmarried to attain moksha?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, but moksha only can be attained once one conquers desire, lets go of things, and moves into spiritual mode without forgetting responsibility toward family and others. Unfortunately, people get caught in a lot of distractions when married, compared to being unmarried.
  • Question
    Can you attain Moksha through forgiveness?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, forgiveness is the greatest virtue possessed by the spiritually evolved human in life.
  • Question
    How do I know if I have attained moksha?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You find a true guru - Pramukh Swami Maharaj and Mahant Swami Maharaj lead the purest lives. Research these names and follow their teachings and you will attain moksha - it means eternal happiness, and this is only achievable through them.

About This Article

Megaera Lorenz, PhD
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Megaera Lorenz, PhD. Megaera Lorenz is an Egyptologist and Writer with over 20 years of experience in public education. In 2017, she graduated with her PhD in Egyptology from The University of Chicago, where she served for several years as a content advisor and program facilitator for the Oriental Institute Museum’s Public Education office. She has also developed and taught Egyptology courses at The University of Chicago and Loyola University Chicago. This article has been viewed 125,650 times.
67 votes - 94%
Co-authors: 18
Updated: November 14, 2021
Views: 125,650
Categories: Hinduism
Article SummaryX

Achieving Moksha is all about gaining freedom from the cycle of life, death, and rebirth and the suffering that comes with it. While achieving Moksha is a life-long process, you can start by taking small steps to let go of your desires and your ego. Try to do small acts each day that help other people rather than yourself, like cooking family dinners or giving to charity. You should also work on overcoming your ignorance so you can achieve Moksha. Spend some time meditating on Hindu gods or practicing yoga. The last tenet of achieving Moksha is practicing self-control. Pay attention to the way you react to others, and do your best not to lash out, even when someone makes you angry. To learn how to find guidance on your path to Moksha, read on!

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