At some point in your life you may have the opportunity to meet a diplomat or an ambassador. This will be incredibly exciting for you! However, these people are high-powered individuals who usually carry a certain degree of formality around with them. As such, knowing how to interact with and formally address an ambassador is a really useful skill to have.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Writing to an Ambassador

  1. 1
    Use the ambassador's full title. This will get your email or letter off to a nice formal start. It also indicates to the ambassador that you acknowledge who you are speaking to and understand the meaning of that title.[1]
    • For example, you may write: "To Mr./Mrs. Ambassador Smith."[2]
    • You should use the title while addressing a high-ranking person.[3]
    • For example, if you are sending it to the President of the United States, you should write President Joe Biden instead of Mr. Joe Biden.[4]
    • You can start the letter with dear for instance, you can write Dear President Biden or Dear Dr. Brown.[5]
    • Some countries around the world have very serious customs and traditions. If you do not honor these, it’s possible that they will not receive or read your letter.
  2. 2
    Use formal language in your writing. If you are writing to an ambassador, you most likely have a matter of relative importance in mind. Ambassadors hold respected, formal offices and are much more likely to take your writing seriously if it is well-written.[6]
    • Try to avoid the use of colloquialisms or vernacular that may be unfamiliar to them as this will detract from your message.
    • For example, instead of saying "i think ur views on climate change are dumb" you should say something like "I'd really like the opportunity to discuss climate change with you as I think we could both benefit from a conversation."
  3. 3
    Be concise and clear with your writing. Ambassadors are incredibly busy people that receive plenty of mail from many different people. Keeping your writing short, concise, and to the point, will give you the best chance of having your message taken on board.[7]
    • It also pays to include a subject line at the top of the message to give the ambassador a quick idea of what you are writing about.
  4. 4
    Write politely and strongly rather than accusingly. It’s very possible that you are writing about politically sensitive issues or issues that you are passionate about. It’s important that this passion doesn’t turn into anger or you making unfounded accusations.
    • This doesn’t mean that you can’t articulate an opinion that differs from the ambassador’s, but you must do it eloquently and respectfully.[8]
    • For example, instead of saying "you get nothing done ur totally useless" saying something like "I feel strongly that there can be more done on this issue."
    • If you want to get anything accomplished, it will be much more effective to work with the ambassador rather than against.
  5. 5
    Check thoroughly for any grammatical or spelling errors. This is very important to ensure that you are taken seriously and that the ambassador actually pays attention to your message.[9]
    • Writing that has spelling errors, typos, and grammatical errors indicates a lack of care on your part.
    • Get someone else to proofread your writing if this is an area you struggle with.
  6. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Having a Conversation with an Ambassador

  1. 1
    Ask someone nearby what the correct title to use is. If you're at an event where an ambassador is present, this is the best way to find out how they prefer to be addressed. The address varies from country to country and may also vary depending on whether you are a citizen of that country or not.[10] If you cannot find out and you are unsure, Mr./Mrs. Ambassador is appropriate. Some of the various titles that ambassadors around the world hold may be:
    • His/Her excellency
    • The honorable X
    • Mr/Ms. X
  2. 2
    Check to see if there are any local customs to follow when meeting. Depending on where the ambassador you’re meeting is from, there may be traditions that must be followed when interacting with the ambassador. These will vary all over the world but doing some research online first would be a good place to start.
    • If the ambassador is not from your country, be prepared to engage in customs that you may not be familiar with.
    • Failing to recognize a tradition in a foreign country can often be viewed as offensive.
  3. 3
    Introduce yourself politely. You can do this by stating your name, where you are from, and what you would like to talk to them about. This is a good way to get the meeting off to a nice formal start.
    • For example, in the United Arab Emirates, shaking hands gently is the polite way to greet someone as a firm handshake is considered rude and disrespectful.
    • It’s possible that they do not have time to speak to you right away; if this is the case, ask them if there may be another time that would work better.
  4. 4
    Be succinct and clear with your message. Ambassadors talk to large numbers of people on a regular basis. As such, it becomes difficult to remember every conversation had with every person.[11]
    • Keeping your message clear and well constructed is respectful, but also gives you the best chance of having your information heard and taken seriously.
  5. 5
    Thank them for their time and consideration. This is a nice and very polite way to sign off your meeting. Ambassadors are busy people and this shows that you appreciate their time, attention, and for listening to your thoughts.
  6. Advertisement

About This Article

Tami Claytor
Co-authored by:
Etiquette Coach
This article was co-authored by Tami Claytor. Tami Claytor is an Etiquette Coach, Image Consultant, and the Owner of Always Appropriate Image and Etiquette Consulting in New York, New York. With over 20 years of experience, Tami specializes in teaching etiquette classes to individuals, students, companies, and community organizations. Tami has spent decades studying cultures through her extensive travels across five continents and has created cultural diversity workshops to promote social justice and cross-cultural awareness. She holds a BA in Economics with a concentration in International Relations from Clark University. Tami studied at the Ophelia DeVore School of Charm and the Fashion Institute of Technology, where she earned her Image Consultant Certification. This article has been viewed 51,396 times.
11 votes - 84%
Co-authors: 5
Updated: January 6, 2023
Views: 51,396
Categories: Social Interactions
Article SummaryX

If you’re going to meet an ambassador in person, addressing them as Mr. or Ms. Ambassador is usually appropriate. Also, if you’re at an event where an ambassador is present, ask someone nearby for the correct title, since it varies by country and whether you’re a citizen of that country. Additionally, make sure you do research beforehand to see if there are any special customs you’ll need to follow. Failing to recognize a tradition could be viewed as offensive, and that’s the last thing you want! For more advice, including how to properly write to an ambassador, keep reading!

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