Tai Chi is a type of exercise based on defensive martial arts movements, and it can reduce stress, improve mood, improve muscle strength, and even manage some chronic health conditions (like high blood pressure or heart failure).[1] Tai Chi is a low-intensity exercise that gently flows through a series of movements to help promote serenity, calmness, and flexibility. It's great for many people of all different fitness levels and ages and it's generally inexpensive and requires no special equipment.[2] Tai Chi can even offer some special health benefits to elderly people, such as increasing walking speed and reducing falls.[3] [4] Try incorporating Tai Chi classes or movements into your current fitness routine to help reap the benefits of this ancient martial arts practice.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Learning Tai Chi

  1. 1
    Learn about Yang or Wu style Tai Chi. Yang and Wu styles of Tai Chi are probably the most popular forms of Tai Chi. The Wu style is a variant of the Yang style. In addition, they're the most commonly practiced forms of Tai Chi worldwide.[5]
    • These styles use wide slow flowing movements which make them the best styles for beginners.[6]
    • Yang and Wu styles are also great for helping those overcome tension or stress in their lives. Both use meditation as part of the practice
    • Because both Yang and Wu styles are so popular, the majority of classes, DVDS and videos will incorporate these two styles of Tai Chi most frequently.
  2. 2
    Consider the Chen form. This is a more active form of Tai Chi and may not be for everyone. It doesn't necessarily fall into the slow, gentle flowing movements of some Tai Chi practices.
    • The Chen style of Tai Chi uses some explosive and fast moves - like jump kicks. This may be out of the fitness range of some people.
    • If you're already fairly fit or athletically inclined (or looking for a more exciting form of Tai Chi) consider the Chen style.
    • The Chen style uses wide, expansive movements that can be hard on the knees and lower back. Be careful when performing this style.
  3. 3
    Find a trained teacher. Tai Chi is an easy type of exercise to do. However, it's very different from any other more traditional forms of activity. It's important to meet with a trained teacher, if possible, so you know how to do Tai Chi correctly.[7]
    • A Tai Chi teacher will be able to guide you during a class or individual session. They can teach you how to breathe and use your breathing to promote calmness.
    • A good way to find a decent teacher is by talking to that teacher's students but also speaking to the teacher yourself.[8] Ask about the classes, the personality of the teacher, and how the classes are conducted.
    • Although it's important to learn correct form and how to maximize the benefits of Tai Chi, if you cannot afford to take a Tai Chi class or cannot find one, you have very little risk of injury or other adverse effects by doing this exercises yourself.
  4. 4
    Consider purchasing a Tai Chi DVD. Since Tai Chi isn't an overly popular form of exercise, you might have some difficulty finding a local teacher or class. However, Tai Chi is easy enough that you can do it in your own home.
    • There are many Tai Chi videos and DVDs that you can purchase so you can perform this exercise in the privacy of your own home.
    • When purchasing your DVD decide whether or not you should be purchasing one for beginners, pregnant women, older adults or those with special health problems. Many Tai Chi practices are designed for a very specific condition.
    • There are also many Tai Chi videos online. You can download many videos or go to websites for live streaming. This may be a good option if you don't want to settle only one DVD.
  5. 5
    Wear the appropriate type of clothing. Many forms of exercise require specialty equipment or clothing. Tai Chi doesn't require specialty clothing, however Tai Chi teachers do recommend the following[9] :
    • Wear clothing that allows you to comfortably flow through the series of movements. Do not wear restrictive clothing that feels tight or prohibits a full range of motion. Yoga pants, running shorts and other more traditional exercise clothing is permitted.
    • Wear comfortable, flat bottomed shoes or go barefoot. Whatever works for you.
    • Avoid wearing jewelry or watches as they may interfere with some of the movements done with partners.
  6. 6
    Aim for at least a 20 minute workout. Once you've gotten into a routine of doing Tai Chi or have found that you enjoy this practice, set yourself up for doing at least 20 minutes of practice per session.
    • It's typically recommended to do at least 20 minutes of practice as it is believed that this allows your blood to flow through your entire body in this time period. This is an essential part of Tai Chi practice.
    • It is also believed that it takes 20 minutes for your body to be fully warmed up and have increased blood flow to all your muscles. It is thought that this is responsible for the "good or happy feelings" many practitioners experience at the end of a Tai Chi workout.
  7. 7
    Practice being patient with yourself. Like any new exercise routine, it can take a few tries to get the moves and routine down. Be patient with yourself as you experience and try out this new alternative form of exercise.
    • Although Tai Chi isn't considered a difficult or high-intensity physical activity, it is something very different from most traditional forms of exercise. Be patient with yourself as you grow and learn in your practice.[10]
    • In addition, it may take time for you to get the breathing down and be able to quietly meditate as you move through the movements. This also takes time and practice.
    • It's recommended to set a regular time each day to practice so you become more proficient in this relaxing form of exercise.[11]
  8. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Starting with Basic Tai Chi Exercises

  1. 1
    Do warm-up exercises. Like many forms of exercise, a warm-up is recommended prior to starting a Tai Chi routine. It helps prepare your body for the exercise ahead.[12]
    • Start your warm up by get the blood flowing to your muscles and joints. You can: go for a short walk, do a self massage by rubbing your hands together followed by your legs, feet, lower back and shoulders, or gently shaking your arms and legs to loosen up your joints.[13]
    • Progress to doing a few stretching exercises. It's important to do each stretching exercise about 3-5 times. Also only stretch to 70% of your range.[14]
    • Stretching exercises to use include: head and neck roll, shoulder roll, spine stretch, forward stretch and side stretch. Stretching exercises you're already familiar with will also work just fine.[15]
  2. 2
    Start your Tai Chi workout with the Infinity pose. Many Tai Chi workouts start with the infinity pose. This position focuses on posture awareness and correct form during this and all other Tai Chi moves.[16]
    • Stand with feet hip width apart and your arms hanging loosely at your sides. Keep your eyes closed and try to focus on the posture of your body.
    • Tuck your chin in towards your chest slightly. Your neck should be relaxed. Keep your shoulders back and pulled down.
    • Keep your knees soft and relaxed - do not lock your knees. Focus on your breathing and bring awareness to your posture.
    • Maintain this position for a few minutes before moving forward with other Tai Chi exercises.
  3. 3
    Try the stress-relieving move Pouring. This is a classic stress relieving pose in Tai Chi. It's very simple and can be done by most healthy adults without difficulty. Incorporate this pose to help relieve any stress from your day.
    • Stand with feet hip width apart with your feet facing forward. Slightly lean your body to the right with your right foot supporting more of your body weight. Hold this position for a few seconds.
    • Slowly begin to re-center your weight equally on both feet. Then, flow over to the left side and support most of your body weight on your left foot. Again, hold for a few seconds.
    • Flow between the left and right sides of your body for 2-3 minutes.
  4. 4
    Improve flexibility with the windmill exercise. This particular exercise helps to promote increased flexibility and opening of the spine. This is a great exercise to start your Tai Chi workout.[17]
    • Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Keep your feet facing forward and parallel to each other. Let your hands and arms hang loosely at your sides.
    • Start by spreading your fingers wide apart on each hand. Inhale, and sweep your arms out to the side and up towards the ceiling. Stop once your fingers and arms are pointing straight up.
    • Exhale and bend over allowing your torso and head to roll down towards the floor. Allow your arms to hang loosely towards the ground.
    • Inhale and gently roll your spine back up into the starting position. Repeat a few times until you're feeling warmed up.
  5. 5
    End your Tai Chi workout with the closing posture. Similar to yoga, Tai Chi workouts end with a specific posture - called the closing posture. This helps end your workout and helps calm your body down.[18]
    • Start by standing with your feet hip width apart and your feet facing forward.
    • Relax your shoulders, but bring your hands up to belly level and cup your hands together (as if you were cupping water).
    • Close your eyes and inhale while bringing your cupped hands up to chest level.
    • While exhaling, flip your hands so your palms are facing the ground and "push" your hands down to the level of your lower abdomen.
    • Repeat the "pushing" up and down a few times until you feel completely relaxed and still.
  6. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Maintaining An Active Lifestyle

  1. 1
    Always include aerobic activity. Incorporating Tai Chi into your workout routine is a great way to add in an activity that can help relax and calm you. However, its advised to continue with other forms of exercise as well.
    • Tai Chi is not considered an aerobic form of exercise. You should still perform cardiovascular activities that increase your heart rate level more than a typical Tai Chi workout.
    • Cardiovascular exercises come with a host of health benefits as well. It helps improve mood, improve circulation, maintain a healthy weight and decrease your risk of stroke, heart disease, type two diabetes and high blood pressure.[19]
    • Aim to include about 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio exercises each week in addition to your Tai Chi. Try: walking, jogging, swimming, dancing, using the elliptical or going hiking.[20]
  2. 2
    Maintain your baseline activity. Baseline or lifestyle activity is also important to focus on to help you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.
    • Baseline activities are those activities you do on a regular basis as part of your daily routine. Mopping the floors, walking to get the mail, or going up stairs to your office all count as baseline or lifestyle activity.[21]
    • Many studies show that baseline activity offers similar benefits to structured aerobic exercises.[22]
    • Try to maintain or increase the amount of lifestyle activity you typically do. Try parking farther away, taking the stairs more often or getting up and walking on your lunch break.
  3. 3
    Use Tai Chi on rest days. Including rest days is another important component of your exercise routine. If you do not include enough rest days, you can experience some negative side effects.
    • Over training or just doing too much may end up causing some issues. You can experience a weight loss plateau (if you're attempting weight loss), could make you feel fatigued or tired more often, and prevent proper recovery and repair of your muscles.
    • It's typically recommended to take about 1 or 2 rest days a week. However, your rest days shouldn't be "lay on the couch" day either. Try to be active on your rest days as well.
    • Tai Chi is a great exercise for your rest day. It's low impact, low intensity and can still allow your body to heal and recover from more intense workouts. Plus it focuses on calmness and flexibility which is great for a day off.
  4. 4
    Plan to do strength training. Like aerobic activity, you should include other forms of strength and resistance training in addition to your Tai Chi workout.
    • Tai Chi does help improve muscle definition and tone, but again isn't considered to be a significant source of resistance training. A combination of both Tai Chi and more traditional strength training is the best combination.
    • Strength training helps build strength and muscle, however it helps reduce your risk of osteoporosis, increases your metabolism and helps prevent falls as you age.[23]
    • Aim to include at least 1 day of strength training each week in addition to your Tai Chi workout.[24] You can lift free weights, use weight machines or try pilates.
  5. Advertisement

What Are The Benefits Of Tai Chi?

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Does Tai Chi build strength?
    Frank Blaney
    Frank Blaney
    Certified Tai Chi & Qigong Instructor
    Frank Blaney is a Certified Qigong and Tai Chi Instructor with over 15 years of teaching experience. Passionate about making Qigong more accessible to people, Frank is the author of "Qigong: The Quick & Easy Start-Up Guide." He also holds a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Jujitsu and trains executives and staff of corporations, NGOs, and communities in self-care, personal performance and conflict resolution. He holds an MA in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, and Peacebuilding from California State University Dominguez Hills.
    Frank Blaney
    Certified Tai Chi & Qigong Instructor
    Expert Answer
    Yes, when practiced properly, Tai Chi is a great way to build your strength and increase your overall wellbeing.
  • Question
    I already swim regularly, and I want to start doing tai chi. Normally I can do these on separate days, but if I did want to do both on the same day, which should I do first?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It's really up to you, but I would suggest doing tai chi first. It takes a little more concentration and effort, and if you go swimming first, you might not be able to put your full effort into the tai chi afterwards.
  • Question
    I'm fairly active with HIIT, kickboxing and free weights. Will tai chi be a good supplement to my workouts? As I've tried yoga but am not a fan of it.
    Community Answer
    Yes, gaining control and reducing tension in your body is a beneficial addition to your workout. If you start and end your workout with a bit of tai chi, you'll find that your mind is a bit more relaxed and calm.

About This Article

Frank Blaney
Co-authored by:
Certified Tai Chi & Qigong Instructor
This article was co-authored by Frank Blaney. Frank Blaney is a Certified Qigong and Tai Chi Instructor with over 15 years of teaching experience. Passionate about making Qigong more accessible to people, Frank is the author of "Qigong: The Quick & Easy Start-Up Guide." He also holds a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Jujitsu and trains executives and staff of corporations, NGOs, and communities in self-care, personal performance and conflict resolution. He holds an MA in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, and Peacebuilding from California State University Dominguez Hills. This article has been viewed 21,122 times.
3 votes - 100%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: March 12, 2023
Views: 21,122
Categories: Martial Arts