Questions tagged [white-album]

White Album is a 1998 adult visual novel by Leaf. For the mostly unrelated sequel, see [white-album-2].

For the 2010-11 sequel, which takes place in the same universe but is otherwise mostly unrelated, see .

See also:

2 questions
1 answer

How are White Album and White Album 2 related?

I know that White Album 2 recently started, but it doesn't seem like it has anything to do with the first White Album aside from being a similar genre of music related romance stories. The original White Album was about the triangle of Yuki, Rina…
Jon Lin
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1 answer

Why is Touya hiding a phone call from Yuki?

Why is Touya hiding from Yuki that Rina called him? They didn't do anything wrong. It makes him look guiltier if he hides it.
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