"Vividred Operation" is a 12-episode anime series produced by A-1 Pictures. The story is set in a future world where girls' school uniforms incorporate hotpants.
Vividred Operation is a 12-episode TV anime series directed by Kazuhiro Takamura and produced by A-1 Pictures. The story is set in a future world where Akane Isshiki and her family live an idyllic life on the island of Izu Ooshima, when - the world is attacked by aliens known as the "Alone". Akane is given a special key which grants her powers through the "Vividred System", allowing her to fight the alien invaders.
The anime started airing in January 2013. There is also a 4-koma manga that's written by Kotamaru called Vividred Operation: The 4-koma Viviop.
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