Tokyo Ravens is a supernatural comedy light novel by Kouhei Azano, adapted into manga and anime. Tokyo's Onmyouji Academy students learn how to protect the city from evil with help of Shikigamis (familiars), advanced magic and complex spells.
Tokyo Ravens is a light novel by Kouhei Azano. An anime adaptation aired from October 2013 to March 2014; it also has multiple manga adaptations.
The story sets in modern day Tokyo where omyouji is still being practiced. Tsuchimikado Natsume from the main family of the Tsuchimikado clan, was believed to be the reincarnation of the legendary genius Tsuchimikado Yakou. Being targeted by the Yakou devotee, will Tsuchimikado Harutora be able to protect him or perhaps...her.
See also:
- Tokyo Ravens on Wikipedia
- Tokyo Ravens on MyAnimeList