Those Who Hunt Elves is a manga series by Yu Yagami. The story follows 4 elf hunters who need to find 5 spell fragments in order to be transported back to their home.
Those Who Hunt Elves (or, Elf wo Karu mono-tachi) is a comedy action/adventure manga written by Yu Yagami. It was adapted into 2 seasons of TV anime directed by Kazuyoshi Katayama and produced by Group TAC. The story follows 4 elf hunters (and a teddy-bear-like transdimensional being capable of dispensing toilet paper) who need to find 5 spell fragments in order to be transported back to their home.
The manga started publication in 1994 and spanned 21 volumes. Both seasons of the anime consisted of 12 episodes; the first started airing in October 1996, and the second started airing in 1997.
For more information, see:
- Those Who Hunt Elves on Wikipedia
- Those Who Hunt Elves at the ANN Encyclopedia