The Law of Ueki (or, "Ueki no Housoku") is a manga and anime series created by Tsubasa Fukuchi. The story centers on Kousuke Ueki, a boy who has the power to turn trash into trees.
The Law of Ueki (or, Ueki no Housoku) is a manga series created by Tsubasa Fukuchi. It takes place on earth and is centered around Kousuke Ueki, a boy who attends the Hinokuni Junior High School and also has the power to turn trash into trees.
Ueki enters the contest to decide The New God of Heaven. The winning student receives a Blank Zai (or talent), a talent that can be anything they choose. Kousuke Ueki decides to take it upon himself to win this tournament to keep that power away from those that would abuse such a gift.
- The Law of Ueki on Wikipedia