Space Dandy is a 2014 anime produced by the studio Bones. It follows the eponymous Dandy, an alien hunter, and the rest of his crew on the Aloha Oe. The show has also spawned a video game and a manga adaptation.
Space Dandy is a 2014 anime series produced by Bones and directed by Shinichiro Watanabe (of Cowboy Bebop fame) and Shingo Natsume. It follows the titular Dandy, his robot QT, and a cat-like alien named Meow who joins them in the first episode, as they hunt for aliens to make a living. They are pursued by Dr. Gel, a gorilla-like officer, as Admiral Perry, the lead of the Gogol Empire, who believes that capturing Dandy will allow them to gain power over the universe.
The series was also adapted into an ongoing manga that started publication in 2013 in the magazine Young Gangan, and currently has 2 volumes. Additionally, a video game based on the show titled Space Galaga has been released for iOS and Android by Bandai Namco Games.
See also:
- Space Dandy on Wikipedia
- The Space Dandy Wiki page