Smash Hit! (or, "Hit wo Nerae!") is a short, original anime from 2004 directed by Takeo Takahashi about the production of the hero show "The Super Transforming Cosmopolitan Prayers".
Smash Hit! (also Hit wo Nerae!) is a short (8 episodes, 13 minutes each) original anime from 2004 produced by studios Studio Live, m.o.e., and IMAGIN, and directed by Takeo Takahashi. It details the production of the hero show "The Super Transforming Cosmopolitan Prayers" from the perspective of the producer Ikita Mitsuki.
The fictional hero show in the anime was also made into an anime, CosPrayers (see cosprayers). A third related anime is LOVE♥LOVE? (see love-love), which also details the production of CosPrayers, from the perspective of Ohizumi Naoto, the cameraman and secret screenwriter of the show. Smash Hit! aired after CosPrayers and before LOVE♥LOVE?.
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