"Ronin Warriors" (or, "Yoroiden Samurai Trooper") is a sentai action anime series produced by Sunrise.
Ronin Warriors (or, Yoroiden Samurai Trooper) is a sentai action anime TV series directed by Masashi Ikeda and Mamoru Hamatsu and produced by Sunrise. The series, which spawned a manga adaptation as well as several OVAs, revolves around the five Ronin Warriors protecting the world against Talpa, the demon lord of the Netherworld.
- Ronin Warriors anime, directed by Masashi Ikeda and Mamoru Hamatsu and produced by Sunrise, April 1988
- Ronin Warriors manga, written by Hajime Yatate, 1988
- Ronin Warriors: Gaiden OVA, directed by Mamoru Hamatsu and produced by Sunrise, April 1989
- Ronin Warriors: Kikōtei Densetsu OVA, directed by Mamoru Hamatsu and produced by Sunrise, October 1989
- Ronin Warriors: Messēji OVA, directed by Mamoru Hamatsu and produced by Sunrise, March 1991
For more information, see: