Prétear - The New Legend of Snow White (or, "Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Prétear") is a manga series written by Junichi Sato. A 2000 manga and 2001 anime that follows Himeno Awayuki and the Leafe Knights as they fight the Princess of Darkness and her demons who drain the Leafe (life force) out of living beings.
Prétear (also, Prétear - The New Legend of Snow White; or, Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Prétear) is a manga series written by Junichi Sato, as well as a 2001 anime based on the manga. It follows Himeno Awayuki and the Leafe Knights as they fight the Princess of Darkness and her demons who drain the Leafe (life force) out of living beings.