MM! is a light novel series by Akinari Matsuno and its manga and anime adaptations. It follows a boy named Sadou Taro who is a huge masochist and enjoys being abused by beautiful women.
From left to right: Michiru-sensei, Yumi, Arashiko, Mio, Taro, Noa, Tatsukichi
MM! is a light novel series by Akinari Matsuno, and its manga and anime adaptations. It follows Sadou Taro, who is a huge masochist who loves being abused by beautiful women. He ends up joining the Second Volunteer Club and working alongside Mio Isurugi, a violent sadist, and Arashiko Yuuno, a sweet girl who became androphobic after she was assaulted by an ex-boyfriend. They interact with other characters who have various social and sexual quirks.