Questions tagged [megane-x-parfait]

Megane x Parfait! is a Manga series written by Satou Nanki and drawn by Kizuki Akira, released in 2007.

Megane x Parfait! is a Manga series written by Satou Nanki and drawn by Kizuki Akira, released in 2007.

It is about a girl joins the 'White Labcoat and Glasses' club to get closer to the upperclassman she's fallen for. She's then coerced into conducting an experiment in love with said upperclassman's younger brother...

1 questions
1 answer

Why does Ojiro get angry from hearing the word "bakeratta"?

When Misao is trying to find Ojiro, she tries to figure out who he is by being the only person who reacts to the word "bakeratta". He gets very annoyed and because of this she's able to find him. Why is Ojiro so offended by this word? I looked it…
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