"Katanagatari", or "Sword Story", is a light novel by Nisio Isin and anime by Keitaro Motonaga and Studio White Fox. A "swordless swordsman", Yasuri Shichika, travels and fights to collect the 12 Deviant Swords.
Katanagatari (刀語, Sword Story) is a Japanese light novel series written by Nisio Isin first published by Kodansha under the Kodansha Box imprint in January 2007.
The story follows Yasuri Shichika, the seventh head of the Kyotōryū school sword martial arts, who fights without a sword. Raise on an isolated island with his younger sister Nanami, Shichika is recruited by Togame, a self-titled strategist working for the Yanari Shogunate, in order to collect the 12 Deviant Swords.
As the 2 travel they encounter the current masters of the sword and the Maniwa Ninja Corps who had previously been hired to collect the swords by Togame but have since betrayed her and now seek the swords for their own gain.
The series has since been adapted into a 12 episode anime series directed by Keitaro Motonaga and produced by Studio White Fox, originally airing between January and December 2010. Nippon Ichi Software America (NISA) licensed the Anime series for BluRay and DVD release in the United States in April 2011 and released Volume 2 in August that year.
See also:
- Katanagatari on Wikipedia
- Katanagatari on Anime News Network
- Katanagatari wikia