Hayate no Gotoku (also known as Hayate the Combat Butler) is a romantic comedy and parody anime following Ayasaki Hayate a 16-year-old who is forced to become the butler of the incredibly wealthy 13-year-old Sanzenin Nagi. His life drastically changes after that, as he has to deal with Nagi's everyday needs, his new-found hoard of female admirers, and even Nagi's intelligent pet white tiger Tama.
Hayate no Gotoku (also known as "Hayate the Combat Butler") is a romantic comedy and parody anime following Ayasaki Hayate a 16-year-old who is forced to become the butler of the incredibly wealthy 13-year-old Sanzenin Nagi. His life drastically changes after that, as he has to deal with Nagi's everyday needs, his new-found hoard of female admirers, and even Nagi's intelligent pet white tiger Tama.
Questions about this manga or anime should use this tag. The manga, written by Kenjiro Hata started publication in October 2004. Later, several seasons of anime TV series adaptation aired starting from April 2007. The first season is directed by Keiichiro Kawaguchi and produced by Synergy SP, spanning 52 episodes. A 25 episode second season aired in April 2009 titled, "Hayate no Gotoku!!", and was directed by Yoshiaki Iwasaki and produced by J.C. Staff. The third season only had 12 episodes and aired October 2012, was directed by Masashi Kudo and titled "Hayate no Gotoku: Can't Take My Eyes Off You". Additionally, there's a light novel adaptation and an anime film.
For more information, see the Wikipedia page.