"Great Teacher Onizuka" (or "GTO") is a comedy shounen manga written by Tooru Fujisawa about an ex-gang member, Eikichi Onizuka, who takes up teaching.
Great Teacher Onizuka (or GTO) is a comedy shounen manga written by Tooru Fujisawa about an ex-gang member, Eikichi Onizuka, who decides to take up teaching because he is impressed with the influence they have on young girls.
It has since been adapted into a TV anime series and several live-action films and dramas. The TV anime series aired in June 1999 and spanned 43 episodes, and was directed by Naoyasu Hanyu and Noriyuki Abe and produced by Studio Pierrot. Later, there was a second manga serialization called GTO - Shonan 14 Days which started publication in 2009.
For more information, see:
- Great Teacher Onizuka on Wikipedia
- Great Teacher Onizuka at the ANN Encyclopedia