"Gakuen Alice" is a shoujo manga written by Tachibana Higuchi. There is also a 2004 TV anime.
Gakuen Alice is a shoujo manga written by Tachibana Higuchi, in publication from February 2003 to June 2013. There was a TV anime adaptation directed by Takahiro Omori, as well as several game spinoffs. The TV series began airing in October 2004 and was produced by Group TAC.
The story centers on Mikan Sakura, an orphaned 10-year old, who lives in a small town in the remote countryside. She runs away to Tokyo to meet her best friend, Hotaru, and finds that she attends a school called Alice Academy, for children with special powers called "Alices".
For more information, see:
- Gakuen Alice on Wikipedia
- the Gakuen Alice wikia