Ga-Rei (or, "The Enchained Spiritual Beast Ga-Rei") is a manga series by Hajime Segawa. Also use this tag for the prequel anime Ga-Rei: Zero.
Questions tagged [ga-rei]
2 questions
3 answers
Why do Kagura and Yomi from Ga-Rei show up in Tokyo ESP?
In the beginning of Tokyo ESP, Kagura is waiting for Yomi somewhere.
Is Tokyo ESP a continuation to Ga-Rei?
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1 answer
Why was a prequel made instead of an adaptation for Ga-Rei?
I enjoyed the Ga-Rei Zero anime and the Ga-Rei manga (now finished) quite a bit.
With the anime industry seemingly grasping at straws for manga to adapt, why was a prequel animated instead of the actual source material?
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