Freezing is an anime series adapted from the manga of the same title written by Dall-Young Lim and illustrated by Kwang-Hyun Kim
Freezing is a Japanese manga written by Dall-Young Lim and illustrated by Kwang-Hyun Kim. The former is the author of Black God (cf. black-god), Unbalance Unbalance, Zero, and Aflame Inferno.
The series revolves around the invasion of Earth by an extraterrestrial force called the Nova, and a special force of genetically engineered young women (called Pandoras) and their male partners (called Limiters) who are created to combat them. It centers on Kazuya Aoi, a Limiter whose late sister was a Pandora, and Satellizer el Bridget, a Pandora with a cold personality who is known as the "Untouchable Queen" due to her intense aphephobia. Both enrolled at West Genetics Academy, a training school for Pandoras and Limiters.
Freezing Vibration is the second season of the Freezing anime.
See also: