Questions tagged [fireball]

"Fireball" is an original series of animated shorts written and directed by Wataru Arakawa and produced in part by Disney.

Fireball promotional art

Fireball is an original series of animated shorts written and directed by Wataru Arakawa and produced by Jinni's Animation Studios in conjunction with Disney. Each episode follows the daily lives of the gynoid duchess "Drossel von Flügel", with the personality of a 14-year-old, and her giant arachnoid butler, "Gedächtnis".

The series was made entirely in 3D, and the first 13-episode series originally aired in April 2008. A second animated series called Fireball Charming with another 13 episodes aired in April 2011.

For more information, see the Wikipedia page.

1 questions
1 answer

Why is there a war in "Fireball" and "Fireball Charming"?

I know that there isn't any story in the series, but they do sometimes get into details about the setting (Merkur Era 48,650-48,794). Was there any reason given for the ongoing (very long) war with humanity that is constantly raging outside the…
Jon Lin
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