Questions tagged [eureka-seven]

Eureka Seven (or "Psalms of Planets Eureka seveN", or "Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven") is a mecha anime series directed by Tomoki Kyoda. Use this tag for the 2005-06 anime as well as the 2012 sequel "Astral Ocean".

Eureka Seven promotional art

Eureka Seven, or "Psalms of Planets Eureka Seven", is a 50-episode mecha anime series directed by Tomoki Kyoda, written by Dai Satou, and produced by Bones. The anime spawned several game and manga series, as well as a light novel and a film. The series focuses on Renton Thurston and the renegade group Gekkostate, led by his idol, Holland.

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6 questions
1 answer

How can there be a one Nirvash, not to mention two?

At the end of the original series (Psalm of the Planets Eureka Seven), Nirvash left with some Scub Coral to prevent the Limit of Questions, so there shouldn't even be a Nirvash. In the sequel, Eureka Seven Astral Ocean, both Renton and Eureka…
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0 answers

Eureka Seven Ao, Holland's Longboard

I have had a question about this series for a while now. In Eureka Seven Ao, in episode 3 at time 19:27 you can see that the Grand Bleu group is attacking a secret. This secret looks almost identical to Holland's longboard that Eureka and Renton…
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1 answer

Why and how did South Park use music from Eureka seveN?

I noticed this some 12 or so years ago when the episode first aired, but South Park uses a snippet of "Uncontrolled Self" from Eureka seveN during the train chase scene with Britney Spears, and then immediately pivots to another song once they enter…
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1 answer

What happens to Eureka and Renton at the end of "Eureka seven"?

At the end of Eureka Seven, Eureka and Renton came out of the Command Cluster, then Nirvash and some other Corals moved to another dimension to maintain Limit of Life. But Eureka and Renton no longer returned to their home i.e. Bellforest though…
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I need a location to buy the eureka seven ao bracelet silver edition

The bracelet is made by jam home made. There is a gold, silver and other editions. I need silver or whichever is closest to the real color. I need a website that isn't Japanese or at least ships to America. Thank you. Also please be sure to specify…
1 answer

What was the old Eureka Seven concept art/animator's website?

Before Eureka Seven: Hi-Evolution 1 was announced and released, or even before Eureka Seven: AO, there was a Japanese website for Project Eureka hosted by one of the artists that contained all of the concept art for Eureka Seven, as well as art from…
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