"Deadman Wonderland" is a manga and anime by Jinsei Kataoka. Middle-schooler Ganta Igarashi is framed for brutally murdering his whole class and locked away in the title prison, Deadman Wonderland, an attraction island where prisoners entertain visitors in cruel games.
Deadman Wonderland is a manga series written by Jinsei Kataoka with an anime adaptation directed by Kōichirō Hatsumi and produced by Manglobe.
The story, set after a massive earthquake has destroyed most of Tokyo, focuses on Ganta Igarashi, a middle school student. Ganta survives a mysterious attack on his class, only to be framed for the carnage and sentenced to be locked away in the most twisted prison ever built—Deadman Wonderland—where prison meets death-match entertainment. Ganta soon finds out that he has to risk his life in the ensuing death matches in order to find the one responsible for the mysterious attack that led to his incarceration.
The manga started publication in 2007 and the 12 episode anime TV series originally aired in spring 2011. A single episode side-story OVA called Red Knife Wielder was released in October 2011.
For more information, see:
- Deadman Wonderland on Wikipedia
- the Deadman Wonderland wikia.