Cop Craft is a Light Novel series written by Shoji Gatoh and illustrated by Range Murata. The story follows Tilarna Exedilica and Kei Matoba in solving crimes in San-Teresa as part of the Metropolitan Police Department.
Cop Craft is a Light Novel series written by Shoji Gatoh and illustrated by Range Murata. The novel published for the first time on November 2009. An anime adaptation was aired on Summer 2019, done by Millepensee and premiered on July 2019.
A gate to another world opened in the Pacific Ocean. Various creatures and beings come to contact with humanity. After an initial struggle, both human and people from the other side come to term and established diplomatic relationship. San-Teresa on Kariana island is the junction point for both world due to its closeness to the gate. The story follows Tilarna Exedilica and Kei Matoba in solving crimes in San-Teresa as part of the Metropolitan Police Department.