Kyoukai no Kanata (or, "Beyond the Boundary") is a light novel written by Nagomu Torii and illustrated by Chise Kamoi. It's a supernatural slice-of-life story about high-schoolers with inhuman abilities in a world filled with apparitions. It also has an anime adaptation.
Kyoukai no Kanata (or,境界の彼方, Beyond the Boundary) is a light novel written by Nagomu Torii and illustrated by Chise Kamoi. It's a supernatural slice-of-life story about high-schoolers with inhuman abilities in a world filled with apparitions. Use this tag on question on the Kyoukai no Kanata anime or the novel.
The Kyoukai no Kanata franchise consists of:
- the original novel (Summer 2012 - ongoing);
- an anime adaptation (Fall 2013);
- a Kyoto Animation commercial for the novel (May 2012);
- 5 ONA episodes (Fall 2013 - ongoing);
- short specials bundled in DVD/BD volumes of the anime (Winter 2014 - ongoing);
- a prequel episode bundled with DVD/BD volume 7 of the anime (Summer 2014).