Beelzebub is a shounen manga series by Ryuuhei Tamura.
Beelzebub (べるぜバブ, Beruzebabu) is a shounen manga series written by Ryuuhei Tamura, starting in February 2009. An OVA and an anime TV series were adapted from the manga. The story follows first-year student, Tatsumi Oga, who attends a school for juvenile delinquents called Ishiyama High, and finds a baby floating down a stream.
The single episode OVA was directed by Nobuhiro Takamoto and produced by Studio Pierrot+ was released in October 2010. The TV anime series followed in January 2011 and spanned 60 episodes, by the same director and studio.
For more information, see:
- Beelzebub on Wikipedia
- the Beelzebub wikia