Baby Steps is a manga authored by Hikaru Katsuki, beginning in 2007. Studio Pierrot adapted it as an anime beginning 2014. It is in the sports genre, focused on a high school boy as he learns tennis as a first year and develops over time into a high-ranking player.
Questions tagged [baby-steps]
2 questions
1 answer
What are the markings used above some song lyrics?
I believe lyrics are shown to both the first opening and ending songs of the tennis anime, Baby Steps. Here is a partial shot from the ending:
You can see that the normal credits are single rows of characters. However, the lyrics at the bottom…
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1 answer
Is "The Best Meat Buns" a double entendre in Japanese?
Here is a shot from Baby Steps, episode 20 at time mark 16:46:
I think "The Best Meat Buns" is the English translation of the sign Nat-chan is wearing on her back. She is considered one of the prettiest and most popular girls in her high school.…
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