Assassination Classroom, or Ansatsu Kyōshitsu, is a comedy science fiction manga series written and illustrated by Yūsei Matsui. It follows the daily lives of a class of students who is tasked in assassinating their homeroom teacher, an extremely powerful octopus-like creature, to prevent Earth's destruction.
Assassination Classroom is a Japanese comedy science fiction manga series written and illustrated by Yūsei Matsui. It was first serialized on Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine from July 2012 to March 2016 and was licensed into English by Viz Media. An OVA by Brain's Base was screened at the Jump Super Anime Tour on October to November 2013, followed by an anime adaptation, which began airing on Fuji TV in January 2015, and an animated film, released on November 2016, both by Lerche. The anime adaptation spans 2 seasons and 48 episodes, including an OVA for the first season. A live-action film was also released on March 21, 2015, followed by a sequel, titled Assassination Classroom: Graduation, which released on March 25, 2016.
It follows the daily lives of a class of students who is tasked in assassinating their homeroom teacher, an extremely powerful octopus-like creature, to prevent Earth's destruction. Later on, a bond starting from continuous assassination attempts would develop between the students and their teacher as they learn more and more things about him and from him.
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