In Digimon Adventure (in both seasons), we meet Digitamamon, a profoundly evil, greedy digimon who looks like a giant egg with dinosaur legs and a crack in the shell where two yellow eyes stare out.
Digimon (which preceded Pokemon) is based off a toy for boys that competed with the Tamagotchi toy. Tamagotchi is a egg-shaped toy featuring an egg that quickly hatches into an alien being.
Tama-gotchi literally means egg-watch (with the second half being a transliteration of the English word 'watch')
Digi-tama-mon breaks down to digital-egg-monster (with digi and mon being borrowed from English).
Digitamamon is one of the few digimon with the word 'digi' in its name, suggesting something digital, but it doesn't look digital at all. That's why I wonder if it's related to the Tamagotchi, the first 'digital egg'.