So, after being done with the Granola The Survivor arc, we saw at the end Goku return to fight Gas with a pretty peculiar power up. He seemed to be in his UI Omen state, but instead of being calm as we usually saw it as, he was more Saiyan-like. He explained it away as "being able to properly use his emotions like this" which, although shaky in my opinion, works well enough.

What it doesn't explain is why he was in this form to begin with. Is UI Omen not supposed to be weaker than MUI? This new form is called TUI or True Ultra Instinct, does this means it is superior to MUI? Isn't the whole concept of UI is to be really calm and sublime? How can "true" UI be superior to a form that embodies that idea? And which one is superior then? We did see TUI perform better against Gas than both UE Vegeta and MUI Goku together but, is that really enough evidence?

冥王 Hades
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