In Dragon Ball Super: Broly, we got a superb fight between Broly and Gogeta, which ends

in a Perfect from Gogeta Blue, which does not take a single hit from the moment he transforms into Blue.

I searched the Internet and was unable to find a name for one of his final moves, where Gogeta charges at Broly and loads him with energy by punching him, before backflip-kicking him into the air. He then crosses his hands, arms straight, before pulling them up in the air and provoking somewhat of a nuclear blast. I cut the extract as a .gif because it's really cool.

As far as I searched, I didn't find any official name. Is there an official name for this move?

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Yassine Badache
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1 Answers1


I looked it up online, and it appears to be called Meteor Explosion in multiple video games of the franchise, per the Dragon Ball Fandom wiki, so I would think that is the official name of the move. I know that wikis aren't perfect, but some of these are video games run by Bandai Namco themselves.

Yassine Badache
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