In VN episode 3 / arc 3 Banquet of the Golden Witch or episode 14 of the anime, Battler asks Beatrice if the parlor where Shannon died satisfies Beatrice's closed room definition. Beatrice confirms this, but not in red:


'And the parlor where Shannon was found satisfies that definition, right?' / 'That's correct.'

enter image description here


'Understood. So Shannon-chan's parlor satisfies 'BEATRICE's locked-room definition'?' / 'That is correct.'

enter image description here

I thought it was going to be like the Eva-Beatrice summons Hideyoshi's ghost thing, but apparently it's not. Both Beatrice and Virgilia don't use red to confirm this.

I can understand of course that you don't need to have definitions in red since definitions do not make any claim of truth (usually). But now Beatrice says a particular object satisfies a certain definition. This, I believe, is a claim.

I think this is similar to VN arc 2 Turn of the Golden Witch, where actually

(spoilers for answer arcs)

Beatrice never said the chapel was locked

or better yet like when Eva-Beatrice later says the following not in red: (see here)

This is all 18 people!

2 questions:

  1. How can Battler just accept this confirmation not given in red ?

  2. Did Shannon's parlor and each of the other rooms in the chain of 6 locked rooms really satisfy Beatrice's closed room definition?

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