In the show Detective Conan, the main character starts as a "high school detective" who shrinks down to become a child. In the series, there are mentions of other high school detectives as well, such as Heiji Hattori.
I can see how the pill explains how the character became a child, but can't understand how it is at all normal he started as a high schooler who was a famous detective. I never saw any explanation for how he became famous for solving crime before he shrunk. It would have made more sense to me if a world famous detective in his 50's became shrunk down as a child, not a world famous high schooler detective, as no high schooler would be allowed to help the police. My question, is "high school detective" a phenomenon/concept that already existed in Japanese culture before the series existed? In other words, are there actually real high school detectives? And would they actually become famous for solving cases?