There are many forms of Naruto, and I know that most of them can destroy a moon, but a moon isn't even close to the size of a planet. At what point does Naruto become powerful enough to destroy planets? I know he could destroy the moon when he was 11 or 12 using Kyuubi mode. I know that at some point in shippuden that naruto can destroy a planet. He just never uses the full extent of this power.
Viewed 144 times
1Do you know for certain that Naruto *does* become capable of destroying an entire planet? – F1Krazy Mar 22 '21 at 16:10
I do in fact know that Naruto eventually reaches that level. – Celestial Cye Mar 24 '21 at 21:35
3If you've found an answer to your question, please post it as an answer so you can accept it. (It would also be a good idea to include the evidence that led you to this conclusion.) – F1Krazy Mar 26 '21 at 00:01
1 Answers
I won't be able to give all the answers, but nevertheless I'll try-
- Jubilo
- Jubidara
- Kaguya (at any point after absorbing the god tree)
- SOSP Sasuke
- Indra Mode Sasuke
- The Last Sasuke
- Boruto Sasuke
- KCM2 Naruto
- SOSP Naruto
- Ashura Mode Naruto
- The Last Naruto
- KCM 3 Naruto
- KCM 4 Naruto
- KCM Final Naruto (At this point he could destroy literally anything, he was undefeatable)
1Welcome to Anime.SE! The question is specifically about the forms of Naruto Uzumaki himself, not the forms of anyone from *Naruto*, but I suppose you do deserve credit for going above and beyond what was asked for. – F1Krazy Apr 07 '21 at 16:18
I accept this answer cause it does answer the question but I was only talking about Naruto. – Celestial Cye Apr 14 '21 at 18:07