In episode 17 of Monogatari Second Season (the first episode of Onimonogatari), when Koyomi and Mayoi see the strange "darkness", an image of the structure of a chemical compound is displayed, repeatedly:

a structural formula

Shortly afterwards, a number of different chemical compounds are displayed (numbers not present in original):

lots of structural formulae (numbering added)

What are these compounds?

  • 35,088
  • 25
  • 142
  • 247

1 Answers1


The first image is the structural formula of epinephrine (or adrenaline, depending on where you live).

structural formula of epinephrine

Epinephrine is a neurotransmitter that plays a significant role in the fight-or-flight response, and so its appearance here makes sense - Koyomi is certainly about to take flight upon seeing the "darkness".

The second image contains the following compounds:

  1. dopamine
  2. serotonin
  3. α-Neoendorphin
  4. epinephrine (again)
  5. (Leu-)enkephalin
  6. norepinephrine (or noradrenaline)

All of these are neurotransmitters, as well, though none of them are as localized to the fight-or-flight response as epinephrine is.

  • 35,088
  • 25
  • 142
  • 247