I grewup watching The Americanized version, and recently rewatched it in the Japanese...only to come out feeling like I just watched an entirely different show. This is a Shojo anime is it not? It had all the components of a shojo....a girl in a reverse harem off in a magical world guiding the fate of others. Who she chose as her partner and lavished her affections on shaped the behaviour of the other characters, which shaped the entire world they were in cause of their importance. It had entire episodes without any fighting at all, just dialogue about peoples feelings. Even the opening is Shojo-like. Young attractive Angel men...I don't see how this couldn't be a shojo anime.
Yet all I remember growing up watching the American version is it was about fights fights fights and lots of dialogue sequences that might even last entire episodes breaking up these fights. How they phrased the lines and even the opening... the show was clearly aimed at boys.