Note: Please no spoilers beyond the start of the 6th novel.
At the very end of the 5th Spice and Wolf novel, Lawrence says "I like you".
Love is never once used by Lawrence toward Holo so far in the story. I even ran the search function to check the PDF, I'm certain.
Yet, in the next book, at the very start, on the same day that the previous novel left off, Holo teases Lawrence about saying "I love you".
The best I can tell, the author meant to write "love" in the previous novel, or else my PDF copy is simply wrong.
What's the explanation behind this?
I'm afraid to do a Google search on the topic since I'm only starting the 6th novel and searching "love" in regards to a romance that I'm 6 of 17 books through is just begging to run into all sorts of spoilers.