I recently finished watching the two seasons of Owari no Seraph. A new season seems unlikely to happen, so I want to pick up the manga.

Where does the story continue in the manga, after the 12th episode in the anime (second season)?

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2 Answers2


According to Japanese Wikipedia, Wikia and many Reddit threads (e.g. this), the anime ends at chapter 41 (volume 11).

For the sake of completeness: season 1 ends at chapter 25 and season 2 ends at chapter 41.

However, as it has been mentioned on Reddit and explained on Wikia, the anime adaptation has some differences compared to the original work (manga).

Aki Tanaka
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Other than the ending of Ch. 41 and the ending of Season 2, The Manga (Ch. 1-41) and Anime (Seasons 1 and 2) are, for all intensive purposes, pretty much identical.

  • Hi. Unless your answer added something to the previously accepted answer, this is considered a duplicate. Furthermore, the OP was asking where it ended, not if the anime and manga are identical. – W. Are Jan 26 '19 at 06:41