So since the battle with Zamasu Dragon Ball Super manga introduced the concept of mastered super saiyan blue, which it would be a stronger version of super saiyan blue, I guess similar to as super saiyan full power is a stronger version of super saiyan. Now they've used again in the last manga chapter,
making Vegita being able to land a punch on Beerus when using it, and getting Beerus to say may be he could be a god of destruction in another universe, but not in this one.
Then, does this concept of the mastered super saiyan blue exists in the anime? People were arguing before than super saiyan god transformation "at will" from Goku only existed in the manga, but now we've seen super saiyan god transformation will appear again in Dragon Ball Super anime episode 104th. Does this mean mastered Super Saiyan Blue will also exist in the anime?