I’m thinking of an anime but I only remember a flashback about one character (possibly a villain character). It’s bugging me that I can’t remember what the anime was. I’m sure I’ll remember the main story once somebody says the title but right now this is just an unassociated fragment in my head so here’s what I remember…
It starts out with a young boy and his father living in an impoverished sort of town where they both work at the same factory. The narrator (female I think) says that for this kid there were only two moments in his life that he valued: one was when he fell ill and his father stayed by his side, changing the wet towel on his head. I can’t remember the other moment.
His father is a mean drunk or something who pretty much takes all the money the boy makes and probably beats him too. Anyways, the boy finds out from a person at his work that it was a neighbor lady who stayed by his side while he was ill and not his father (and so his cherished memory was tarnished). His second valued memory was true, but I can't remember it.
So one day some other people gang up on and start beating the crap out of the boy when he spots his father. The boy looks over at him as if asking for help. His father looks at him for a moment but then looks away and carries on his merry way.
That’s all I remember... Any help would be appreciated.