I suspect there may be a Your Lie in April title spoiler situation here, or quite possibly I'm just dense. I'm on episode 10 of Parasyte -the Maxim- and I have been wondering the whole time what the title means. At a guess, it could involve how episode 1 starts and ends.
- start: Someone on Earth had a sudden thought.
- end: Someone on Earth had a sudden thought. "Life must be protected."
(The end quote appears at time mark 20:40.) The Google dictionary defines maxim as "a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct". So is that the maxim, Life must be protected.? If so, there will probably be a further reveal late in the series. Or am I way off base?
If the actual answer is a spoiler, please put it in a spoiler block. I'll hold off reading that part until finishing the series.