In Hataraku Maou-sama!, there is a magazine that appears in the Dark Lord's apartment on more than one occasion. It seems to read something like "yoride-FF".

Is this any existing magazine, or a reference to some existing magazine, with a distorted name (like MgRonald)? If so, what is its genre/target audience/content?
Or is it a completely non-existing magazine?

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1 Answers1


Based on the textual factors, the magazine shown is very likely a reference to 月刊サンデージェネックス (Monthly Sunday Gene-X), which is also known as 月刊サンデーGX.

Let us have a closer look at the magazine in the picture:


  • "月刊" printed at the top, and "Monthly Yonday" printed vertically at the side of the spine of the magazine tell us that it is a monthly magazine.

  • The text at the bottom of the spine reads "Kougakukan", which is most likely a reference to Shougakukan (小学館), which is the publisher of the actual magazine 月刊サンデーGX.

  • The logo of the magazine (月刊ヨンデーFF) has close resemblance to the logo of 月刊サンデーGX. There is also the fact that there is only a difference of 1 Katakana, and how 2 English alphabet is used at the end of the name.


    Logo is taken from http://sundaygx.com/

However, the logo as seen from the spine of 月刊サンデーGX magazine doesn't perfectly match up with the image from Hataraku Maou-sama. The screenshot below show how the spine of the magazine in 2006/2007 looks like (can't find a more recent image). The word 月刊 is separated from サ in the actual magazine, compared to the fictional magazine in Hataraku Maou-sama, where 月刊 is placed on top of ヨ. There might be a second reference here that I do not know of.


Image taken from http://blog-imgs-27-origin.fc2.com/n/a/0/na005/20070204-1.jpg

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